Majority of Americans are at least ‘comfortable’ with a gay presidential candidate

South Bend, Indiana, mayor and 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg
South Bend, Indiana, mayor and 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, is gay. Photo: Facebook

Most Americans said that they would at least be comfortable with a gay presidential candidate in a recent poll.

A new NBC/WSJ poll found that 14% of Americans said they would be “enthusiastic” about having a gay or a lesbian presidential candidate and another 54% would be “comfortable.”

This is an increase since the NBC/WSJ poll asked the same question in 2006, when only 43% were at least “comfortable” with the idea of a gay or lesbian presidential candidate.

Younger people were more likely to accept a gay or lesbian presidential candidate than older people. 18-34 year olds increased their support by 28% and support among those over 65 increased by 25%.

Related: Are the Democrats ready for a gay presidential nominee?

Gallup Poll has asked similar questions to find if people say they would vote for a president of various backgrounds. In 2015, 74% of people on that poll said they would vote for a gay or lesbian candidate, 92% said they would vote for a woman, and 92% said they would vote for a black person.

Only the hypothetical atheist president and Muslim president did worse on that poll at 58% and 60%, respectively.

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