Supreme Court refuses to hear Christian college’s lawsuit about transgender student housing
The college was trying to overturn a rule that said schools can’t discriminate against transgender students.
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch defies Chief Justice Roberts’ request to wear a mask
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who has an increased risk of dying from COVID, hasn’t been able to attend arguments since she sits next to Gorsuch on the bench.
Supreme Court will hear case to decide if adoption agencies can discriminate in November
If you needed another reason to go vote on Election Day, this is it. The makeup of the Supreme Court is massively important for LGBTQ people.
Celebrate the victory & dream for the future. The SCOTUS ruling is only the beginning.
As we celebrate this victory, it’s also a chance for us to dream – bigger than we’ve ever dreamed of before – about the world we want to create for generations of LGBTQ people to come.
Impeachment hearings expert is a “snarky bisexual” champion for LGBTQ rights too
Pamela Karlan’s argument before the Supreme Court may solidify civil rights nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people.
Supreme Court rejects anti-transgender bathroom case & leaves inclusive policy in place
It took a panel of federal appeals court panel of judges 15 minutes to unanimously rule in favor of transgender people. It didn’t take long for the Supreme Court to agree either.
This recent Supreme Court decision is troubling for non-Christians and LGBTQ people alike
if you think Christians have certain privileges denied to others in America, you’re right.
This is what it looked like seconds after the Supreme Court announced marriage equality
After the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges was released, staff members literally ran from the court to those waiting outside.
Supreme Court rejects ‘religious freedom’ case from foster agency that won’t serve gay couples
The Catholic charity would rather shut down than serve gay and lesbian couples.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg hires law clerks through 2020 after Trump calls on her to resign
Justice Anthony Kennedy also appears to be sticking around for awhile.