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5 of the craziest, most dangerous right-wing conspiracy theories so far
From Obama’s secret army to “faked” national tragedies, here are the top conspiracy theories the uncle that you avoid at Thanksgiving believes in.
Teens are eating Tide Pods because… Beyoncé?
Well, that escalated quickly.
Why I won’t be watching the Roseanne reboot & you probably won’t either
Can you separate her disgusting beliefs and the vile messages she spouts from the art she makes?
Eric Trump is now attacking Ellen DeGeneres on Twitter
The president’s dumbest son has been closely examining the “Who to Follow” section and, unsurprisingly,
he doesn’t understand how it works. -
The right can’t decide if Star Wars is pro-lesbian or pro-white propaganda
From a wild claim about a lesbian relationship that doesn’t exist to Luke Skywalker as an allegory for white nationalism, the conspiracy theories are flying.
Milo Yiannopoulous: Ellen DeGeneres is involved in a coverup of the Vegas shootings
As with most of his nonsensical comments, he reaches to the bottom of the crazy barrel and pull up a few handfuls.
Pastor blames secret gay Nazi death squads for Vegas mass shooting
If dumb were dirt, he’d cover about an acre.
Rush Limbaugh flees the hurricane he claimed was a liberal ‘deep state’ conspiracy
Limbaugh has been saying that Hurricane Irma news is just meant to make people buy into climate change.
This may be the craziest Trump conspiracy theory yet & we’ve seen a lot lately
A Christian pundit says Masons and the Illuminati are using “news media and rock and roll music” to broadcast Satanic soundwaves that will change your DNA.
The multiple gay & lesbian connections to JFK’s assassination
Did Lee Harvey Oswald’s wife leave him for a woman shortly before he assassinated Kennedy? Why was a gay man the only person prosecuted for the crime?