Restaurant employees get $40k after nonstop antigay harassment by coworkers
One of the men, a waiter, is gay; the other, a busser, is a straight friend of the waiter.
A lesbian employee was outed in a meeting & fired for complaining about it
She didn’t like being outed in front of other employees, and when she complained she was fired.
Catholic B&B owners reject couple because ‘we don’t accept gays & animals’
Of course, the owner says “we don’t have anything against gay people.” Except when they do, obviously.
North Dakota considers bill banning sexual orientation discrimination
Protections based on gender identity are not included in the legislation.
Christians expand business so they can sue to overturn nondiscrimination laws
A Minnesota film company wants to make straights-only wedding videos, and claim the law interferes with their religious beliefs.
Walmart settles same-sex benefits discrimination lawsuit for $7.5 million
More than 1,000 people may be eligible for compensation as a result of the settlement, which has yet not been approved by a judge.
Trump employee suing for antigay harassment and discrimination
The attacks escalated to the point of his co-workers throwing rocks and golf balls at him, one hit him so hard in the head that it sent him to the hospital.
University of Iowa will lay off lesbian who sued for discrimination
The school has informed former senior associate athletic director Jane Meyer that her position as a project manager will be eliminated.