Kirk Cameron rages at schools turning kids into “drag queens, strippers, drug dealers”
“Well, all of us are paying to send them to schools that teach them how to be strippers and drug dealers.”
Unhinged family values activist who attacked marriage equality for years is getting divorced
She said she’s a “a Christian woman who hates divorce,” but she was constantly writing anti-LGBTQ screeds on Facebook as her marriage broke up.
LGBTQ prom canceled for safety reasons after Christians bombard event space with threatening calls
A far right religious extremist posted the phone number online and all hell broke loose.
The right wing thinks using ‘LGBTQ’ to describe us makes bigotry okay
They’re preaching to the choir now, but their using our description of ourselves to do it.
‘Ex-gays’ humiliated in DC when no one showed up for their big rally
A Pulse survivor, a former trans activist, and the ridiculous “Activist Mommy” were there, but they were about it.
The right wing is on a tear about sex ed for all the obvious reasons
It’s spring, and the religious right’s thoughts turn to how to stop kids from learning about sex.
‘Activist Mommy’ claims schools are forcing kids to learn how to have anal sex
She’s asking parents to pull their kids out of public school for the day, but she homeschools her own so she won’t be participating, thank you very much.
Christian homeschooling mother of 10 burns Teen Vogue over anal sex article
This mother of 10 is outraged that someone would try to teach kids about safe sex.