Churches don’t have to be accessible. That’s a voting rights problem.
In 2024, millions of people will vote at religious sites. What if you’re disabled?
Armed man kills dog & threatens to attack LGBTQ+-inclusive church
The church is the meeting place for two local LGBTQ+ advocacy groups.
Christan YouTube troll called an LGBTQ+-inclusive church “satanic.” Weeks later it was firebombed.
The trolls went to the church and pretended to be gay by shouting “Slay queen!” during the service. They then called the church “Pagan and satanic.”
Churches targeted by hateful fliers fight back with rainbow-colored messages of love
A mayor at the 300-person vigil said that the community must unite against people who dehumanize and spread fear about others.
Homophobic vandals ruin elderly Christian couple’s work painting rainbow in front of church
They even recorded their vandalism, shouting, “This is an abomination!”
A church’s trans pride flag was burned in the middle of the night
Church leaders won’t let the act intimidate them.
Tennis legend Margaret Court won’t close her church because it’s ‘protected by the Blood of Jesus’
Court, who once claimed LGBTQ people want to brainwash children, is founder of a church that claims coronavirus won’t affect them.
Respecting LGBTQ people & their rights is a test – of your Christian faith
LGBTQ people didn’t choose the way they were made – God did. Who are we to challenge His creations?
Religious right groups are masquerading as churches to hide how they spend their money
Even though they aren’t really churches, various organizations are taking advantage of tax laws to hide expenditures and salaries from the public.
Bishop who said ‘Satan’ is dividing the church with marriage equality may face discipline
A bishop who said that a “gay rights agenda” had hijacked his church could face disciplinary action.