Election 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses Pete Buttigieg of “emasculating” cars

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene/Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene/Secretary Pete Buttigieg Photo: Shutterstock

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) spoke at a rally for Donald Trump in Michigan this weekend and slipped in a homophobic remark about out gay Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.

Greene declared that Buttigieg is trying to “emasculate the way we drive” by supporting environmentally friendly transportation.

Greene touted the Americanness of “the roar of a V8 engine under the hood of a Ford Mustang or Chevy Camaro and incredible feel of all that horsepower” and said that “Democrats like Pete Buttigieg want to emasculate the way we drive and force all of you to rely on electric vehicles after they shut down your great Michigan auto industry.”

Twitter users mocked her for being completely nonsensical.

“If your masculinity is defined by the vehicle you drive, you’re doing it wrong,” wrote podcast host Rachel Vindman.

Another user said, “At least Pete still has his husband,” referring to the recent announcement that Greene’s husband filed for divorce.

This isn’t the first time that Greene has attacked Buttigieg. In March at another Trump rally, she said Buttigieg and his husband Chasten should “stay out of our girls’ bathroom.”

Greene was, again, attacking Buttigieg for promoting more ecological forms of transportation, like cycling and electric cars, when she implied that he and his husband creep around in girls’ restrooms.

“You know what?” she told the crowd in Commerce, Georgia, “Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycles, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls’ bathroom.”

On Twitter, some people thought she confused the Buttigieges for transgender women, which would make sense considering her opposition to transgender people using facilities that corresponds to their gender.

Others thought she was accusing the Buttigieges of being child molesters who prey on girls, which is also possible considering her support for the QAnon conspiracy theory (that well-known Democrats and celebrities are running a secret international child sex trafficking ring) and the old homophobic trope that gay men are child molesters.

Buttigieg was also recently targeted by another high-ranking GOP official for his stance on greener transportation. Michigan Republican Party co-chair Meshawn Maddock called him a “weak little girl” seeing a video clip of him talking about California’s ban on selling gasoline-fueled cars – which will go into effect in 2035.

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