Bias Watch

“Nazi Barbie” Tomi Lahren goes viral after whining someone called her that to her face

Tomi Lahren
Tomi Lahren Photo: Gage Skidmore via Wikipedia

Fox News host Tomi Lahren became the laughingstock of Twitter after she said that she was the victim of two anti-conservative attacks, including one where a woman allegedly threw eggs at her and another where a “man with a cigarette in hand” called her “Nazi Barbie.”

“Nazi Barbie” is trending this morning on Twitter as the story went viral, with people debating whether “Nazi Barbie” obviously refers to Lahren or whether there are just too many Fox News hosts that it could apply to for the term to be definitively one person.

Related: Someone threw water at Tomi Lahren & Twitter’s reactions were hilarious

“I had a girl from the sixth floor of an apartment complex try to throw eggs at me,” Lahren said on Fox News Radio on Monday. “Of course, being a liberal, she’s not super athletic. So she missed me. But yes, she tried to throw eggs at me.”

She did not explain how she knew the alleged assailant’s political views.

Lahren then said that “a grown man with a cigarette in hand and a mask on his face” called her “Nazi Barbie” and said that she dances “on the graves of Native Americans,” possibly a reference to her famously saying in the past that her “ancestors did discover America” to explain why she feels justified in mocking immigrants.

“They’re doing what Maxine Waters said and they’re getting more confrontational because they believe they have this free pass, and I’m concerned it’s only going to get worse for all of us,” Lahren said about the incidents.

The words “Nazi Barbie” trended on Twitter and people debated whether it’s obvious that that refers to Lahren, or if there are just so many people who fit that description that it’s hard to tell.

Lahren has a long history of inflammatory statements, including calling Black Lives Matter “the new KKK.”

In 2018, she said that the “highlight” of her Thanksgiving was watching Border Patrol agents fire tear gas at immigrants – including children – trying to enter the U.S.

Lahren has also attacked LGBTQ equality repeatedly, including when she once got mad at Barack Obama for supporting marriage equality.

She forcefully decried out actor Billy Porter when he wore a dress to the Oscars, accusing LGBTQ people of “attacking traditional men and marriage at every turn.”

“The military is not a social experiment. Finally a POTUS who understands the concept. Political correctness=intellectual dishonesty!” she once tweeted about Donald Trump’s transgender military ban. She also tweeted that the Trump administration’s attacks on trans rights were going to “return America’s taxpayer funded bathrooms and locker rooms to normal.”

Lahren relies heavily on gender stereotypes to belittle others She said last year that Joe Biden “might as well carry a purse” because he wore a facemask in public during the coronavirus pandemic.

“If you’re gonna throw things at me at least don’t suck at it,” Lahren taunted after the egg story went viral.

She didn’t provide any evidence that the egg incident actually occurred, but she has been attacked in public before. In 2018, someone at a restaurant in Minneapolis threw water at her and called her a “racist.”

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