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Limbaugh host: San Francisco is under lockdown because “they don’t want all the gays dropping dead”

JANUARY 15 2017: Nancy Pelosi speaks to constituents after a healthcare rally at San Francisco City Hall.
JANUARY 15 2017: Nancy Pelosi speaks to constituents after a healthcare rally at San Francisco City Hall. Photo: Shutterstock

Mark Steyn, who regularly fills in on both Rush Limbaugh’s show and on Fox News as a guest host, told Limbaugh’s listeners that the Bay Area is under a “shelter in place” order because of “gay guys.” People have been ordered to stay home to prevent “a big gay apocalypse” that would be blamed on President Donald Trump, he claimed.

“San Francisco has just ordered everyone to shelter in place, just to say, ‘Stay in your apartment. Don’t leave your apartment unless you need to go out to a grocery store or to a pharmacy or to a doctor’s.’ Why are they doing that?” Steyn asked. “Why is San Francisco the first to do that? Because they’ve got all the gay guys there.”

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“It’s a big gay town, San Francisco, and they’re the ones with all the compromised immune systems from all the protease inhibitors and all the other stuff,” he continued. “And they don’t want all the gays dropping dead on the San Francisco mayor’s watch. So that’s why they’ve got all that sheltering in place there.”

“And even if it dropped, they all dropped dead on the San Francisco mayor’s watch, if there was a big gay apocalypse, you know, the way this thing is going now, it would be Trump who would get blamed for it anyway. He’d be — it would be his homophobia that would have struck down all these people in San Francisco. So that’s why they’ve all been ordered to stay home. And it’s not easy staying home.”

Steyn last made news when he questioned whether out presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is actually gay. Steyn was also guest hosting for Limbaugh when he made the comments.

“Do we, are we really sure he’s gay?” he asked in January. “I mean, he looks like some guy from the accountancy department. He doesn’t — that’s a very non-gay look. I don’t know.”

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