Dick and Betty Odgaard, the Christian couple from Iowa who decided to shut down their wedding chapel after refusing to host a gay wedding (and getting sued for it in 2013) are now trying to erect 1,000 billboards that oppose gay marriage.
Gay Star News reports that the first one, described by the Odgaards as a “14’x48′ lighted beauty,” was just mounted beside a highway five miles south of Durant, Oklahoma on July 24.
The sign reads “Marriage = 1 man and 1 woman. Please… I need your help with this! – God”
“This billboard is funded 100% by your generous donations,” the Odgaards posted onto the Facebook page of their new tax-exempt charity, God’s Original Design Ministry, whose mission statement is to “restore the Biblical definition of marriage in our society.”
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“One down and 999 to go for 1,000 points of light,” they wrote. “Thank you and god bless!”
The project has met with some hostility in the comments:
“Since it costs approximately between 500 and 8,000 to do this, that would help clothe and feed a lot of homeless people (but I’m assuming only if they aren’t gay)?!”
“I love how you forged God’s signature at the bottom!”
A July 14th Facebook post from the couple reads: “We will continue an open policy on our Facebook page. With that we can expect and welcome civil comments in opposition to our ministry and/or our mission… While we are all sinners, we (his children) are still loved by our Father…even those who hate. Fortunately, by His grace we have all been given the opportunity to repent and be saved!”
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