News (USA)

Oreo ‘pride cookie’ post on Facebook sparks emotional responses

Oreo ‘pride cookie’ post on Facebook sparks emotional responses

NORTHFIELD, Ill. — KRAFT Foods’ LGBT-friendly post on Facebook for its immensely popular Oreo cookies has sparked emotional responses on the cookie’s fan page.

The image (pictured), accompanied by the message “Proudly support love!” shows rainbow layers between its biscuit wafers, instead of the usual dollop of white cream.

Oreo's nod to LGBT Pride

The company posted the image and accompanying message after thousands of LGBTQ people, supporters, and allies attended Pride events in New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, and elsewhere around the globe this past weekend.

A review of the comments show that, while most comments were in support of the rainbow cookie, others disagreed with Oreo’s pro-LGBT message, some even threatening a cookie-boycott.

“This is absolutely disgusting,” wrote one former fan. “Your attempt to ‘normalize’ the behavior of homosexuals has cost you a customer.”

Yet another declared the Oreo post was evidence of “more homosexuality shoved down our throats.”

Oreo is one of the most successful brands on Facebook, with more than 26 million fans on the social networking website.

The “pride cookie” post has generated more than 200,000 likes and over 30,000 comments — mostly positive.

“As a company, Kraft Foods has a proud history of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness. We feel the Oreo ad is a fun reflection of our values,” said Basil Maglaris, a spokeswoman for Oreo’s parent company Kraft Foods, in a statement to ABC News.

Oreo’s pride-themed cookie, which appears to be delicious, is unfortunately not available in stores.

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