Anti-LGBTQ activists are now funding voter suppression & anti-vaccine conspiracies
A slew of hate groups & right-wing activists are now attacking the right to vote. If that isn’t enough, they’re also doing their best to downplay the COVID-19 vaccines.
“Former trans person” in political attack ad only identified as trans after he joined a hate group
He’s using his “personal story” to attack Joe Biden in ads paid for by the religious right. But is it all a sham?
Fearmongering robocalls against trans candidate looks to be work of conservative org
Her anti-LGBTQ opponent has refused to debate her and has misgendered her in the press.
In red states, businesses are gearing up to fight anti-trans bathroom bills
“I honestly cannot believe that in 2016, I’m actually asked a question as to why I would support anti-discrimination groups,” the president of Tennessee’s NHL team said.
Maggie Gallagher: serving up hate, bigotry at the Thanksgiving table
Maggie Gallagher, the former chair of the notoriously anti-gay National Organization for Marriage, is offering some advice for serving up a heaping helping of hate and bigotry at your Thanksgiving table this year.