Election 2024

Donald Trump endorses ridiculously anti-LGBTQ+ Republican as “MLK on steroids”

Anti-LGBTQ+ Lt. Gov of North Carolina, Mark Robinson
Lt. Gov of North Carolina, Mark Robinson Photo: Screenshot

Donald Trump endorsed North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R), who has a primary election tomorrow in his bid to become governor of the state, calling him “Martin Luther King on steroids” despite his years of extremely hateful language towards LGBTQ+ people and Holocaust denial. Trump even claimed that Robinson was “better than” King.

“I heard him coming in on the plane, I was listening, and I said to the people in the plane, ‘Watch this, this is Martin Luther King on steroids.’ Okay?” Trump said at a rally in North Carolina on Saturday.

“Now, I told that, I told that to Mark. I said, ‘I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two,’” Trump continued.

“And he looked at me and I wasn’t sure, was he angry, because that’s a terrible thing to say? Or was he complimented? I have never figured it out.”

“But I’m telling you, he’s more than — right? When I said that to you, you looked like, I don’t know if I like that comment. You should like it because you are outstanding and you’re going to be the next governor. So that’s going to be very cool.”

It’s unclear what Trump thinks that Robinson has in common with the Civil Rights leader, because Robinson has not devoted his life to justice and equal rights.

Just last month, Robinson said that transgender people should defecate in public instead of using restrooms.

In March 2023, Robinson declared that God created him to battle against LGBTQ+ rights and added, “Makes me sick every time I see it — a church that flies that Rainbow flag, which is a direct spit in the face of God almighty.”

In 2017, he wrote on Facebook, “You CAN NOT love God and support the homosexual agenda.”

In 2021, Robinson compared LGBTQ+ people to cow dung and claimed straight people are superior to gay people due to their ability to procreate. In the same sermon, he declared there are only two genders and disparaged trans people’s bodies: “I don’t care how much you cut yourself up, drug yourself up and dress yourself up, you still either one of two things — you either a man or a woman.”

He also said people who support events like Drag Queen Story Hour do so because they desire to molest children.

He has previously proclaimed that being gay is a step before pedophilia, that former First Lady Michelle Obama is secretly a trans woman, and has referred to trans-affirming people as “devil-worshipping child molesters.” He also condemned gay people as an “abominable sin” in response to the 2016 Pulse massacre.

Robinson created an education task force to investigate and pull LGBTQ+ literature from public schools, as well as report instances of LGBTQ+ inclusion in schools. Teachers’ names, employers, and information were released unredacted by the report, yet many of the complaints weren’t verified or even authenticated.

Also in 2021, he refused to heed calls for his resignation after he declared that homosexuality and “transgenderism” are “filth.” He has also called the trans equality movement “demonic” and “full of the spirit of Antichrist.”

He hasn’t just made hateful comments about LGBTQ+ people. Robinson, in 2017, referred to the notion that the Holocaust happened as “hogwash” on Facebook. He wrote another post on Facebook where he said that it was false that six million Jewish people were killed by the Nazis.

In 2019, he claimed that Jewish bankers were one of the “four horsemen of the Apocalypse” on a podcast. The other three, he claimed, were Muslim people, the CIA, and China.

“That’s exactly right,” he said. “It’s amazing to me that we live in this age of information where you can go online and you can find all this information, and it’s not hidden from anybody.”

In response to criticism, a Robinson campaign spokesperson said that state Democrats who called him out for his antisemitic comments “look the other way at the rampant antisemitism among North Carolina Democrats.”

“I’ve never been antisemitic,” Robinson said in 2023 as he declared a week in October “North Carolina Solidarity With Israel Week.” “I’ve never had anything against the Jewish people.”

He said that his previous statements were “poorly worded” and said at a campaign event that “the United States will stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel and its people.”

“Mark Robinson called the Holocaust ‘hogwash’ and now uses the slaughter of Israelis and Americans to perform a transparent political stunt,” said a spokesperson for North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein’s (D) gubernatorial campaign. Stein is Jewish. “This is as close as he should ever get to being governor.”

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