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GOP candidate Herschel Walker’s very flamboyantly not-gay son attacks Pride Month

Christian Walker, Pride month, LGBTQ, gay, video
Christian Walker Photo: Twitter screenshot

Christian Walker, the 22-year-old son of Georgia Republican Senate nominee and former NFL player Herschel Walker, has released a flamboyant video message for Pride Month in which he ignorantly explains why LGBTQ people don’t “need a month to celebrate who you sleep with.”

Walker posted the video along with a string of tweets in which he declared that he is not gay despite being attracted to men.

Related: The internet is laughing at Marjorie Taylor Greene’s bizarre anger about Pride Month

Standing in front of a flag pole flying the rainbow and transgender Pride flags while wearing skin-tight leggings and a Givenchy sweatshirt, Christian Walker uses expressive hand gestures and an animated voice to say, “Honey bun, why do you need a month to celebrate who you sleep with? Newsflash: Nobody cares. You have all your rights, now shut up!”

“You take a Pride Month out to run around the streets with no clothes on and hook up in public, and then you want to run around crying, ‘Oh, I’m so oppressed! No one likes me!’ Well, stop pushing it in everybody’s face. No one cares. But the truth of the matter is you want everyone to care because you need attention,” he continues.

“It’s 2022. We can barely afford gas in America,” he adds. “Nobody has the time to run around worrying about what you do and policing your actions. Get over your insecurities and leave everyone alone. Oh, and by the way: Pride is a sin.”

Coincidentally, “Pride is a sin” is the name of the latest episode of his self-described “anti-woke” podcast, Uncancellable.

In a May 31 tweet, Walker wrote, “Pride month is starting so I’d like to announce to everyone that I’m NOT gay. I’m attracted to men but I refuse to identify with the rainbow cult. I don’t believe in indoctrinating children. My whole identity isn’t my sexuality. And I don’t go to gay bars. Don’t call me gay.”

In another video, posted to Twitter on June 1, Christian Walker shouts at the camera, “Some of us are horrified by Pride Month. You don’t celebrate your rights by marching down the streets naked at a Pride parade. You don’t battle stereotypes that you’re promiscuous and can’t hold own a proper relationship by having sex behind dumpsters and parading around in a rainbow flag.”

“LGBTQ is nothing more than a Marxist cult,” he continues. “Separating people based on their sexual orientation or their gender identity — people are so much more than who they are sexually attracted to. They are their character. They are their skill set. They’re the fact that they’re a good friend. Stop these left-wing totalitarian techniques of separating people based on a facet of their identity.”

“And babe, I promise you, you’re not oppressed when every multinational corporation is turning their logo rainbow every June,” he concludes. “You need a day, tops, to celebrate your rights. Give me a friggin’ break. And by the way, the rainbow flag is God’s covenant never to flood the Earth again. Get a grip.”

Whether Christian Walker realizes it or not, he’s repeating misinformed right-wing talking points.

Foremost, LGBTQ are still denied numerous rights, including the right to have legal parental rights over their own children, the right to provide medical care to transgender children without government intrusion, and the right to acknowledge their own existence in schools.

By emphasizing incidents of nudity and public sex at Pride parade — incidents that are rare — Christian Walker is trying to inspire disgust at queer sexuality. It’s a tactic that has been used by Brazil’s anti-LGBTQ president and countless other conservatives to build opposition to LGBTQ civil rights.

Right-wingers use the bogeyman of “Marxism” to describe anything that acknowledges diversity and challenges the status quo. It’s no different than when Republicans of the 1950s accused homosexuals of being anti-American Russian communists.

While many corporations change their logos to feature rainbows during Pride month, some of those corporations also fund anti-LGBTQ politicians who actively work against queer civil rights.

Last, Christian Walker is right that there is a lot more to people than just their LGBTQ identities. But he fails to recognize that Pride Month exists precisely because the U.S. government and other groups around the world continue to actively discriminate against queer people solely on the basis of their sexual orientations and gender identities, failing to see the full, complex humanity underneath.


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