Bias Watch

Texas Right to Life puts out dystopian video encouraging people to turn in women who get an abortion

A video from Texas Right to Life encouraging resident to turn in women seeking an abortion for a cash reward is being compared to The Handmaid's Tale.
A video from Texas Right to Life encouraging resident to turn in women seeking an abortion for a cash reward is being compared to The Handmaid's Tale. Photo: Screenshot

The Texas Right to Life has put out a dystopian video encouraging residents to turn in women who have had abortions along with any healthcare providers along with anyone who “assists” like an Uber driver that takes the woman to a clinic.

The video is being compared to The Handmaid’s Tale for the announcer’s dead eyes and chilling demands of listeners, at one point calling pro-choice advocates “those who worship at the altar of child sacrifice.”

Related: Jen Psaki crushed male conservative journalist who wanted to debate abortion with her

“This is not at all dystopian,” journalist Mark Joseph Stern posted on Twitter along the video.

In May, the state of Texas passed a near-total ban on abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy, well before fetal viability, the line established by the Supreme Court in several landmark decisions last century. The vast majority of abortions occur after the sixth week of pregnancy and many people don’t even know that they’re pregnant that early.

The law allows anyone in the state to sue for a $10,000 bounty if they think someone has carried out an abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy or even helped in the procurement of an abortion, like a cab driver or clinic receptionist.

A website allows people to leave anonymous “tips” about anyone they suspect of abetting an abortion. Social media has promoted a plan to flood the site with fake tips, causing it to go down for a while yesterday.

“Those who worship at the altar of child sacrifice tried to shut down [the website],” the announcer intones, “but the site is still functioning and active and awaiting your reports and findings.”

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Jen Psaki crushed male conservative journalist who wanted to debate abortion with her

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