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Anti-vaxx radio host hospitalized with COVID. He “regrets” that now that he’s fighting for his life.

Anti-vaxx radio host hospitalized with COVID. He “regrets” that now that he’s fighting for his life.
Phil Valentine Photo: Promo image from philvalentine

An anti-LGBTQ rightwing radio host says that he “regrets” not supporting the COVID-19 vaccines now that he has been hospitalized and is “in very serious condition” due to the virus.

“Family values” SuperTalk 99.7 WTN host and author Phil Valentine has been hospitalized and is “fighting for his life.”

Related: Stop falling for the anti-vaccine movement. You’re failing & abusing your children.

“Phil contracted the Covid virus a little over a week ago & has since been hospitalized & is in very serious condition, suffering from Covid Pneumonia and the attendant side effects,” his brother Mark Valentine said in a statement.

The statement denies that Valentine was an anti-vaxxer but says, “He regrets not being more vehemently ‘Pro-Vaccine.'”

“Please continue to pray for his recovery and PLEASE GO GET VACCINATED!”

His social media shows that has been making statements that suggest that the COVID-19 vaccines aren’t safe for months now.

On Facebook, he linked an article about a recall of some Johnson & Johnson aerosol sunscreens in which benzene was detected. No one had gotten sick from the sunscreens; the recall was a cautionary measure.

“Ah, but I’m sure their vaccine is perfectly safe,” he wrote, even though the vaccine is not an aerosol and would not contain the propellants that were in the sunscreens. “Don’t worry about it.”

Phil Valentine's anti-vaxx post

On Twitter, he retweeted a message that denounced the “Forced inoculation of an experimental vaccine,” saying that “Nazi’s” in “#BidensAmerica” were forcibly injecting people with a COVID-19 vaccines.

“It should scare the hell out of everybody,” Valentine wrote.

Phil Valentine's anti-vaxx post

And in December, he said that he has “a very low risk” of getting or dying of COVID-19.

“Why would I risk getting heart attack or paralysis by getting the vaccine?” he wrote, even though the COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective and do not cause heart attacks or paralysis.

Phil Valentine's anti-vaxx post

Valentine also has a history of anti-LGBTQ statements and opposes LGBTQ rights. During a radio show episode on marriage equality, he repeatedly compared being gay to incest.

“The problem is the slippery slope, of course,” Valentine said. “And when I say this to folks, they say, ‘Oh! That’s ridiculous!’ But how can anybody that supports gay marriage sit there and say that they’d be against a father marrying his daughter if it’s a consensual relationship?”

“It’s not ridiculous, it’s the same thing you’re saying,” he stressed in the radio debate. He went back to the incest comparison several times throughout the show.

Valentine also wrote a bizarre courtroom novel where he imagines a future where a doctor finds out how to turn gay fetuses straight and the fictitious organization “GALLANT (Gay And Lesbian Liberation And National Tolerance)” sues to stop the scientist from de-gaying a baby. A Christian organization led by “Lucius Gaylord” helps the gay group because Christians hate genetic research more than they hate LGBTQ people in his book.

The book is called The God Players, because it’s about people playing God.

“There is no more controversial subject than homosexuality,” the book’s description on Amazon says. “The primary argument has been over nature vs. nurture. Are homosexuals born that way?”

The God Players will challenge everything you’ve ever believed… no matter which side you’re on,” the back cover promises.

Phil’s brother Mark Valentine said that he was not vaccinated before his brother’s illness but did not say why. He said that his brother’s hospitalization “has persuaded me to get vaccinated.”

“Having seen this up close and personal I’d encourage ALL of you to put politics and other concerns aside and get it,” he said. “What Phil is going through is horrible & something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Get the vaccine folks… we need all of you to be here for the 2022 elections!”

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