News (USA)

Chick-fil-A offered a school a free lunch. The principal rejected it to support LGBTQ teachers.

Steven Corbett
Lusher High School Principal Steven Corbett Photo: Screenshot/WDSU

A principal in Louisiana rejected a free meal from Chick-fil-A for his school, citing the company’s anti-LGBTQ donations.

Teachers at Lusher High School in New Orleans were offered a free lunch from Chick-fil-A, but principal Dr. Steven Corbett rejected it.

Related: Purdue University is allowing Chick-fil-A because it doesn’t want to ‘deprive’ its students

In a statement, Corbett wrote that he made the decision to reject Chick-fil-A’s food “out of respect to our LGBTQ staff.”

“The #1 rule at Lusher is to ‘Be Kind’ and we live this motto every day,” Corbett wrote. “Chick-fil-A has been politically outspoken about its views, and we feel it is not part of Lusher’s culture of kindness and community.”

Corbett explained the decision to WDSU: “We felt that any time an organization is anti-LGBTQ, and has efforts to infringe upon their rights, we thought it was important to support and stand up for their community at this time.”

The lunch was organized by the College Football Playoff Foundation, which said that they respected the school’s decision and promised to provide a different lunch for faculty.

Chick-fil-A has not commented on the story.

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