News (USA)

Scientists discovered a moth with golden hair & a small penis so they named it after Trump

Close up of the head of male Neopalpa species. a, b N. neonata (LACMENT326885, Mexico: Baja California) c, d N. donaldtrumpi sp. n., holotype (UCBMEP0201628, CA: Imperial County). Frontal aspect. Scale bar 1 mm.
Close up of the head of male Neopalpa species. a, b N. neonata (LACMENT326885, Mexico: Baja California) c, d N. donaldtrumpi sp. n., holotype (UCBMEP0201628, CA: Imperial County). Frontal aspect. Scale bar 1 mm. Photo: Vazrick Nazari

Evolutionary biologist Vazrick Nazari has discovered a new species of moth and he’s named it after President Donald Trump.

The bug’s distinguishing features include a mop of bright yellow scales on the top of its head and an unusually small penis. Its head is orange-yellow and the body is white.

Best of all? Neopalpa donaldtrumpi can only be found on the coastal border area of the United States and Mexico.

Related: Stormy Daniels describes Trump’s ‘smaller than average’ penis in her book

Adults of Neopalpa species. a–f N. neonata g–j N. donaldtrumpi sp. n. N. neonata: a holotype ♂ EMEC82306 (CA: Santa Catalina Island) b paratype ♂ EMEC342305 (Mexico: Baja California Sur) c ♀ CNCLEP00077350 (CA: Santa Cruz Island) d ♀ EMEC407544 (CA: Santa Cruz Island) e ♂ LACMENT326744 (CA: San Bernardino County) f ♀ EMEC408849 (CA: Modoc County); N. donaldtrumpi sp. n.: g Holotype ♂ UCBMEP0201628 (CA: Imperial County) h Paratype ♀ UCBMEP0201482 (CA: Imperial County) i Paratype ♂ UCBMEP0201629 (CA: Imperial County) j Paratype ♂ EMEC408498 (Mexico: Baja California Sur). For detailed specimen data see Suppl. material 1. Scale bar 2 mm.
Adults of Neopalpa species. a–f N. neonata g–j N. donaldtrumpi sp. n. N. neonata: a holotype ♂ EMEC82306 (CA: Santa Catalina Island) b paratype ♂ EMEC342305 (Mexico: Baja California Sur) c ♀ CNCLEP00077350 (CA: Santa Cruz Island) d ♀ EMEC407544 (CA: Santa Cruz Island) e ♂ LACMENT326744 (CA: San Bernardino County) f ♀ EMEC408849 (CA: Modoc County); N. donaldtrumpi sp. n.: g Holotype ♂ UCBMEP0201628 (CA: Imperial County) h Paratype ♀ UCBMEP0201482 (CA: Imperial County) i Paratype ♂ UCBMEP0201629 (CA: Imperial County) j Paratype ♂ EMEC408498 (Mexico: Baja California Sur). For detailed specimen data see Suppl. material 1. Scale bar 2 mm. Vazrick Nazari

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