News (USA)

Antigay evangelicals have temper tantrums over Trump’s gay marriage flip flop

Antigay evangelicals have temper tantrums over Trump’s gay marriage flip flop

Donald Trump sat down with “60 Minutes” last weekend for his first televised interview since winning the election, where he discussed a wide range of topics, including gay marriage.

When asked whether he would rollback marriage equality laws, Trump nonchalantly said that it’s no longer an issue he cares to pursue.

Related: Why we can’t trust that lying liar Donald Trump on marriage (or anything)

“It’s irrelevant because it was already settled,” he said. “It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done…these cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled. And…I’m fine with that.”

This is a stark contrast to what he said on the campaign trail just one week ago, and his most die-hard evangelical supporters aren’t happy about it.

Christian extremists are not taking it well:


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