News (World)

¡Viva Orgullo! See how Mexico City celebrated Pride

¡Viva Orgullo! See how Mexico City celebrated Pride

Tens of thousands of people crowded Paseo de la Reforma — Reform Boulevard — in Mexico City Saturday to celebrate that metropolis’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

Mexico City’s Pride parade is one of the largest in all of Latin America. Speakers implored Mexico’s leaders to pass new legislation to end discrimination. And everywhere there was outpouring of love, openness and a feeling, at least for the day, of acceptance.

Mexico Gay Pride Parade
AP Photo/Marco Ugarte
Mexico Gay Pride Parade
AP Photo/Marco Ugarte
Mexico Gay Pride Parade
AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

Roberta Jacobson, U.S. ambassador to Mexico, also took part in the celebration.

Roberta Jacobson, U.S. ambassador in Mexico, takes part in Mexico City's gay pride parade, Saturday, June 25, 2016. Thousands of people marched down Paseo de la Reforma for one of the largest gay pride events in Latin America. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)
AP Photo/Marco Ugarte
Mexico Gay Pride Parade
AP Photo/Marco Ugarte


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