Baptist preacher says LGBTQ+ people prove atheists’ “filthiness”
He once claimed that he would stop drinking Dr. Pepper if he found out that the doctor was a woman.
Christian preacher says the world would call the US a “wise nation” if it stoned gay people to death
He told his congregation that gay people should be covered in blood “because you just rocked them to sleep.”
Church that calls for death to gay people whines about getting death threats
New IFB churches have called for the murders of LGBTQ+ people for years. But they’re shocked people don’t feel sympathy for them.
Christians could sue people who call them homophobic if this GOP bill passes
The bill’s author made sure everyone understood that it’s not just about journalists, it’s about everyone, even on social media.
Hate pastors are now speaking out against beer because they say it makes men feminine
“Let me tell you something: Beer makes you effeminate. The hops in it will feminize you. On purpose.”
Christian preacher says he uses anti-gay slurs to teach “a perfect hatred” of LGBTQ people
“That instills a little bit of hatred. In fact, you’ll grow to have a perfect hatred for the enemies of God.”
Hate preacher said he’d feel “lucky” if 6 million Jews were killed or everyone in a gay bar was shot
He brought up the six million Jewish people killed in the Holocaust: “I doubt it. Only if we were lucky.”
Hate preacher says gay men’s intestines fall out as he preaches about eating his own vomit
He said being gay is worse than eating Indian food.
A Texas town is protesting against one of the most anti-LGBTQ hate churches in the nation
“They’re so close to our home. There’s no way that we can’t be afraid of that,” one lesbian protestor said.
Hate preacher says he wouldn’t vote for Marjorie Taylor Greene because she’s a woman
“She’s a woman! She’s not gonna fix this country!” Jonathan Shelley told his audience, which included women.