Election News

Nancy Pelosi rips into Donald Trump for saying “ridiculous” things about her husband

Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi Photo: Shutterstock

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had a moment on Monday in an interview with CNN’s out host Anderson Cooper, who said he would be remiss if he didn’t ask after Pelosi’s husband Paul, 82, who was attacked in the couple’s home in San Francisco in October 2022.

After the question, Pelosi looked down and appeared to choke up. Trying to hold back tears, she took several seconds to respond.

“He’s okay,” she finally said, summoning the strength to describe her husband’s condition after being struck in the head with a hammer three times by his attacker, David DePape, and undergoing emergency surgery for a fractured skull.

DePape was convicted in November of assault and attempted kidnapping in the attack. In May, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

“I mean, he’s making progress,” Pelosi said of her husband. “He’s about 80% there physically.”

It’s been almost two years since the assault in the couple’s Pacific Heights mansion, where DePape broke in armed with zip ties, duct tape, rope, and the hammer he struck Pelosi with as cops rushed in to separate the men in the house’s foyer.

As he entered the house, DePape asked repeatedly, “Where’s Nancy?”

“Traumatically, it’s terrible,” Pelosi told Cooper, “but as we pray about it, we’re always worried about other people, how the incitement of these people — the things that they say, the lies that they tell — to incite somebody that comes into my home. We just worry about other elected officials, whatever their point of view is, whatever side of the aisle they’re on, that they not be subjected to that because that undermines our democracy in such a very serious way.”

Then Pelosi got personal.

“But what’s awful about it, Anderson, was that they made jokes about it. The president of the United States said ridiculous things — the former what’s-his-name — you know, ridiculous statements. His son said stupid things, some of his supporters — and you know who they are — said awful things. And that was very hurtful to us, to our children, to our grandchildren, but more importantly, to our country.”

Shortly after the attack, former President Donald Trump called the assault “an awful thing” but has since mocked Paul Pelosi and his injuries with glee at rallies and other public appearances.

At the California Republican Convention last October, he teed up a series of low blows directed at Pelosi and her husband.

“Together we will take on the ultra-leftwing liars, losers, creeps, perverts, and freaks who are devouring this state like a swarm of locusts, and we’ll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi, who ruined San Francisco.”

With the audience booing the former speaker, Trump piled on.

“How’s her husband doing, by the way? Anyone know?” he asked, to jeers and laughter.

“And she’s against a wall at our border,” he added, “even though she has a wall around her house — which obviously didn’t do a very good job.”

The MAGA crowd lapped up the sour ridicule.

Just hours after the attack, Donald Trump Jr. launched his own assault on the then-speaker and her family, retweeting a photo of a hammer and underwear with the caption, “Got my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready.”

Trump Jr. and others like Elon Musk, Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) promoted the wild conspiracy theory that DePape and Paul Pelosi were gay lovers having a drunken brawl when police discovered the pair fighting in their underwear.

The former speaker was indignant at the thought.

“Who do they think they are?” she asked. “Well, you know what they are. They’re going to be losers in just a few months.”

“Once again,” Pelosi said of the ex-president, “an indicted, impeached, convicted loser again.”

DePape, 44, was found guilty of one count of assault upon an immediate family member of a U.S. official and one count of attempted kidnapping of a U.S. official and was sentenced to 30 years in prison and five years of supervised release this past May.

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