News (World)

Polish state TV anchor issues extraordinary on-air public apology to LGBTQ+ people

Wojciech Szeląg
Wojciech Szeląg Photo: Screenshot

A broadcaster for Polish state television has stunned the LGBTQ+ community by apologizing on-air to two activists for the horrific things said on the station during the last few years.

During the Law and Justice (PiS) party’s time in power, the country became one of the most viciously anti-LGBTQ+ countries in Europe. Cities designated themselves “LGBT-free” and government-run media outlets regularly demonized and spread lies about the queer community. Gay reporters were fired as part of the purge.

“For many years in Poland, shameful words have been directed at numerous individuals because they chose to determine for themselves who they are and whom they love,” presenter Wojciech Szeląg said directly into the camera. “LGBT+ people are not an ideology but people; specific names, faces, relatives, and friends.”

Turning to Bart Staszewski and Maja Heban, the two activists appearing on the show, he continued, “All these people should hear the word ‘sorry’ somewhere. This is where I apologize.”

It was the first time in almost a decade that LGBTQ+ people had been invited to the station as guests. The two admitted they had been terrified of appearing on the show before it started.

“I was very scared to go through the door,” Staszewski said. “This was the door of the propaganda tool that was used against us for so many years.”

“For eight years, they showed LGBT activists – but also the LGBT community – as a threat to the Polish nation… feeding this hate to the people,” he added after receiving the apology live during a show broadcast to millions of viewers. “Now the words from the TV studio were of recognition, of apology.”

“For some people, this is nothing, but for me, it’s a lot. After eight years of not being visible, of being some sort of lesser citizen. Both Maja and I were quite astonished by this. It was a touching moment.”

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