
Lauren Boebert claims it’s “misogyny” when a Democrat calls her “rancid inside”

Rep. Lauren Boebert
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) Photo: Screenshot

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is claiming she – along with “many conservative women” – is the victim of Democratic misogyny and harassment because a Democratic politician called her “rancid inside.”

Colorado Democratic National Committee member Joe Salazar tweeted a picture of Boebert and wrote that he doesn’t care if she wears makeup or what her education level is, he doesn’t think she deserves her office.

“She is rancid inside and her poison pollutes our society. She needs to be replaced,” Salazar wrote, saying that Adam Frisch – her 2022 Democratic opponent who almost beat her in that general election – is “a damn fine choice to truly represent” Colorado’s Third Congressional District.

Boebert called the fact that Salazar shared a picture of her in his tweet “misogyny” and said that Salazar was actually mad at her because she is a conservative woman who stands up for her beliefs.

“The misogyny of calling a woman ‘rancid’ for taking a selfie isn’t lost on me,” she wrote in response. “The truth is that it pains you to your core that a successful conservative woman is unapologetic in her beliefs and values.”

“Sadly, this is the harassment so many conservative women go through every day for simply existing.”

Then she bizarrely finished with what appears to be an attempt at a homophobic or transphobic joke at Salazar’s expense: “If you wanted some beauty tips, Joe, all you had to do was ask.”

Boebert has long opposed equal rights for women, opposing reproductive freedom and voting against the Paycheck Fairness Act in 2021, which would have strengthened the enforcement of federal workplace anti-discrimination laws. She also voted against the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act.

Last year, Boebert was criticized for defining women as “the lesser vessel” compared to men.

“We are created equal, we’re not the same,” she said in October 2022 on the Brad Stine Has Issues podcast while talking about transgender girls and women participating in girls’ and women’s sports. “Women are the lesser vessel and we need masculinity in our lives to balance that, that so-called weakness. Just us being more frail and needing that strength in our lives.”

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