Pride in Pictures: Alison Bechdel parades through Vermont with her “nearly naked” partner

Alison Bechdel Pride in Pictures
Photo: Guen Gifford 

For our second annual Pride in Pictures, LGBTQ Nation asked readers to submit a meaningful photo of themselves at Pride.

We have absolutely loved seeing your joy, your glitter, your fabulous outfits, and of course, your pride. Now, we’re spending the summer sharing some of our favorite photos and stories with all of you.

Kicking us off this year is iconic cartoonist Alison Bechdel, author of the graphic memoirs Fun Home, Are You My Mother?, and The Secret to Superhuman Strength. 

Related: Pride in Pictures 1970s: How the Stonewall Riots triggered a decade of activism


Alison Bechdel


Burlington, Vermont

What makes this photo special to you?

This photo is from Vermont Pride in 2008, the first Pride I attended with my partner Holly. She was marching with the two-dyke “maple leaf contingent,” and I tagged along in my fully clothed state, awed by their audacity.

My first Pride marches had been in New York City, where there were huge crowds. When I moved to Vermont it was much different—there wasn’t the sense of protection that sheer numbers offered, we were just a small group parading down the street together. All the more impressive that Holly did it nearly naked!

Guen Gifford

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