Two Canadian teenagers were arrested after they assaulted a transgender classmate. Video of the attack was shared on social media and as it made its way around town, from one phone to the next, residents knew they needed to take a stand.
A thousand people showed up this week for a “car rally” that saw hundreds of cars plastered in trans pride flags and pro-LGBTQ slogans slowly snaking through the community and gathering together in a show of support.
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Police have recommended assault charges for one of the attackers and assault while “uttering threats” for the other girl.
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Mission School Board Chair Tracy Loffler said they are “appalled by the assault of a student at the school” and are taking the assault “very seriously.” She said the district will review its policies “to ensure we have a safe, equitable, and inclusive education system for all students.”
But video and photos from the rally say much more about how much the community supports the 14-year-old student than the school board chair ever could.
Last week a video emerged of a transgender teen being bullied and beaten by two other teens in #MissionBC. Today the whole community came out and took part in a car rally to support the teen! 💪#BetterTogether #stopbullying
— Gurwinder Singh (@itsgsingh) January 18, 2021
At a car rally today in Mission BC to show support for a trans sister who was harassed at school. Amazing turn out! Such a happy crowd.
— Claudia (@Claudi_not_rain) January 17, 2021
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