Take a moment to recognize these LGBTQ nurses fighting coronavirus worldwide

Take a moment to recognize these LGBTQ nurses fighting coronavirus worldwide
Photo: Shutterstock

While quarantines and national lockdowns are causing panic and economic ruin around the globe, take a moment to honor the healthcare workers who can’t stay home for their own safety.

As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the world, these queer nurses are on the front lines protecting and treating their communities with love and compassion.

Related: Here are the events that are canceled, postponed, or still happening during the coronavirus outbreak

Check with any you know to see how they’re doing; they could use some support too. As these social media posts show, they’re checking in on you.

Richard Christian in Vienna wants people to know they’re in safe and loving hands if they get sick.

João Freitas, a registered nurse from Portugal has some sage advice for his followers and ends with a pointed comparison. “In the time of your parents and grandparents, they were asked and obligated to go to war,” he says, “you are only asked to isolate yourself at home.”

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This is not a time for hysteria but a time for awareness and alertness. I ask everyone as a citizen and as a nurse to respect all recommendations, guidelines and decisions implemented by the government so that the largest number of people can be contained and protected. Respect the quarantine phase, social isolation … Make use of personal protective equipment, measures ​​such as hand hygiene and remember that we are all casual and potential carriers of any virus and disease. Remember that quarantine is not a vacation. In the time of your parents and grandparents, they were asked and obligated to go to war, you are only asked to isolate yourself at home. Even so, I still pass on a word of hope and support to all citizens, especially health professionals who are at the front of the event. Thank you all ❤️ ….. Esta não é uma altura de histeria mas sim uma altura de consciencialização e de alerta. Peço a todos enquanto cidadão e profissional de saúde que respeitam todas as recomendações, directrizes e decisões implementadas pelo governo para que se possa conter e proteger o maior número de pessoas. Respeitem a fase de quarentena, de isolamento social… Façam uso dos equipamentos de proteção individual, medidas como a higienizaçao das mãos e lembrem-se que todos somos eventuais e potências portadores de qualquer vírus e doença. Recordem-se que quarentena não são férias. No tempo dos vossos pais e avós foi-lhes pedido e obrigado a irem para a guerra, a vocês só vos pedem que se isolem em casa. Ainda assim, não deixo de passar uma palavra de esperança e apoio a todos os cidadãos, em especial aos profissionais de saúde que se encontram na frente do acontecimento. Obrigado a todos❤️ . . . . . #love #photooftheday #instagay #gaybear #instapic #picoftheday #instagood #beard #beardedmen #musclebear #gayman #beardsofinstagram #protection #staythefuckhome #respect #instacub #rn #malenurse #covid19 #beardedgay #healthcare #nurses #nurselife #gaynurse #gay #cute #beautiful #nurse #beardie

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As President Donald Trump repeatedly calls COVID-19 “the Chinese virus,” this Canadian RN reminds her followers, “Don’t be racist, we are all human, we all are susceptible to illnesses. Viruses don’t see color of skin.”

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Keep it clean Bebe. Practice good hand washing habits, use 3-6 foot social distance, avoid heavily crowded areas, don’t touch face, ears, eyes, nose or mouth. If you are sick, call a doctor to discuss how you feel. Get the seasonal Flu shot. Ideally, no Global travel. Get tested for Covid -19 if you do have Flu like symptoms and follow Doctor and Nurse orders. People are sick and dying, do your part. Limit intimate greeting traditions, no kissing, no hugging. Say hello with a smile or wave! Don’t be racist, we are all human, we all are susceptible to illnesses. Viruses don’t see colour of skin. If someone sneezes or coughs on your face, a paper mask won’t help you. If you sick wear a mask , if you’re caring for a sick person wear a mask. Wear protective equipment where necessary. Don’t stock pile, be sensible and make intelligent choices and we’ll get through this crisis. #covid19 #lgbtnurses #washyourhands #nurse #rn #icareaboutyou #igotmyeyeonyou #nursesofinstagram #snapchat👻 #coveryourcough #dontsneezeonme #dontpickyournose 😉🤪😃❤️🇨🇦🌈 Questions? Info? Add your comments, no hate will be tolerated. Lots of info and guidance at your government Health online sites. Google already directs you when you search covid 19!

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“Your friendly neighborhood trans nurse here with my plea to stay safe & don’t panic. Yes the pandemic is serious, but the best thing you can do is use your head,” Ash posts.

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Your friendly neighborhood Trans nurse here with my plea to stay safe & don't panic. Yes the pandemic is serious, but the best thing you can do is use your head. I work in the ICU directly with patients who have been exposed, but we are handling it pretty much the same as we do all infectious diseases: wash your hands, limit contact, etc. Stay home as much as possible, reach out in solidarity to your community to see if they need help (child care, food, or.. you know… TP 🤦‍♀️) DON'T go panic buying at the grocery store like a barbarian horde. All you manage to do is deplete resources for others that need them and barbarian hordes are exactly the opposite of limiting exposure. We are working hard in the hospitals, but if it spreads too quickly it can get out of hand & overwhelm our ability to keep up. … Good luck out there, please don't come visit me at work, and take a deep breath & relax… Just… you know… not around anyone coughing 🤷‍♀️ … #transgender #mtf #mtftransgender #transgirl #transpride #mtftransition #trans #transhealth #transnurse #nurselife #transisbeautiful #hrt #transition #girlslikeus #itgetsbetter #lovewins #transmom #thisiswhattranslookslike #gendereuphoria #transvisibility #transgirlsofInstagram #Transpositivity #Transfeminine

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Lucas from France would like you to know “We will continue to treat you despite this damned virus.”

Brazillian nurse Jean and his co-worker on ready and waiting for patients.

“May the odds be in your favor,” this French nurse quipped, highlighting the seriousness of the pandemic.

Scott, a cardiac ICU nurse, is invoking the spirit of Florence Nightingale to make it through his shift.

Austrian nurse Nic Sky urges everyone to follow precautions and stay safe.

And, finally, this Philly nurse has some words of wisdom to share directly from a healthcare worker on the front lines.

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