
Two women kissed in front of an anti-gay Trump supporter & now they’ve gone viral

Two women kiss in front of a Trump supporter
Two women kiss in front of a Trump supporter Photo: Screenshot/via Twitter

Video of two women kissing in front of a homophobic Trump supporter has gone viral.

A man in a red Trump T-shirt was protesting at the University of California – San Diego campus, wearing a sign that said “Marriage traditional; 1 MAN & 1 WOMAN” on a rainbow background.

Related: These women photobombed an anti-LGBTQ politician with a kiss

A Twitter user who goes by Crystal and whose profile says that she’s a student at the school and a member of the Delta Gamma sorority posted a video of her kissing another woman in front of the protestor.

“This dude was homophobic and a Trump supporter so you know we had to do it to him,” Crystal wrote.

The video has been viewed over 1.7 million times so far and liked nearly 100,000 times.

People on Twitter loved the video.

Someone seemed to recognize him…

And apparently this isn’t the first time this has happened.

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