
Remember those hugging toddlers from the viral video? One of them has 2 dads.

Hugging toddlers on Ellen
Ellen talks to the hugging toddlers Photo: Ellentube

Thanks to Ellen, the parents of the precious toddlers in a popular viral video are now known by the world, and for one of the boys, life with two dads is his norm.

In a viral video, two toddlers run towards each other, smiling and giggling. When they reach each other, they give each other a big hug, before running off together.

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An unseen person – one of Maxwell’s dads, Michael Cisneros – speaks for all of us when he says, “My friend, you are just adorable.”

The viral clip has raked in millions of views through social media, a welcoming tonic to these troubled times. Now, however, we’re learning more about the lives of the two boys, 26-month-old Maxwell and 27-month-old Finnegan, and their parents.

The boys stopped by The Ellen Degeneres Show, and while the duo didn’t quite replicate their famous hug – Maxwell was a bit shy in light of the cheering crowd viewing the scene – we got to meet their parents.

The families had initially met in their Washington Heights, New York City, neighborhood at a local restaurant and bonded over their young children.

“You know, at first, I guess it was a forced friendship because when they’re 1, they don’t really know what they are doing, but now, they’re inseparable. They’re together multiple times a week,” Cisneros told DeGeneres.

The boys were charming, with Finnegan playing around the set and even trying to make a toy airplane fit up his nose, while Maxwell tried to comprehend all the fuss.

Degeneres, who has built a reputation for surprising her guests, did this time too, giving the boys powered toy trucks covered with their faces and – in conjunction with Shutterfly – $10,000 checks for each boy to start a college fund.

Finnegan’s parents are mixed-sex.

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