
Newlyweds came out to each other & now the wife’s new girlfriend is spilling the tea on Twitter

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When Jo Turner and Scott Turner-Smith tied the knot, both assumed they were straight.

Now, 13 months later, both of them have come out and they’re seeking to annul their marriage. And they’re telling their story on social media.

Scott came out in an emotional tweet on August 23.

“I’ve composed and deleted this tweet a thousand times, but here goes: I’m gay,” said Scott. “Those I’ve told so far have been wonderful, and for that I’m more grateful than they know. It feels freeing to be able to be my whole self, and I’m excited to find out what’s next.”

Jo then quoted Scott’s tweet in one of her own.

“We have had a hoot signing the nullity petition today – ‘invalid consent by mistake – turns out we are both gay,'” read Jo’s tweet. “Enjoy that, Judge.”

But when Jo’s girlfriend, Wendy Rennie, hit the Twitter thread, the whole story unfolded. Rennie told the tale in a series of tweets she titled “How to get the girl. (An ineffective lesbian’s guide).”

For Rennie, meeting Jo for the first time in a ward they were both working in, felt “like being punched in the gut.”

“Butterflies to the MAX,” Rennie added.

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Two years after that first meeting, Jo suggested the two of them go out for drinks, where Jo divulged that she was gay and leaving her husband – and was in love with Rennie.

“I stand by the fact that baking brownies for a girl will get her in the end,” tweeted Rennie. “It just may take 2 years but my GOD is she worth it.”

The split itself is amiable, with Jo even suggesting that the women should double date with “Scott +1.”

“Double wedding would be amazing!” Jo added.

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