
Why is LGBTQ History Month important to you?

supreme court lgbt rights
An LGBTQ activist waves a rainbow flag on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court. Photo: Ted Eytan via Flickr

With LGBTQ History Month upon us, we asked our readers why it was important to them to have a month dedicated to queer history. The fight for equality is far from over, but we cannot forget our past and where we came from. Education is a pivotal tool to remind younger generations of those who fought for their rights and help empower them to never give up the fight!

We recently asked our followers on Facebook why LGBTQ History Month was important to them, check out what people said…

“Because our cultural history is so often overlooked. I didn’t hear about the Compton sit-in, Stonewall, or any of the other community stances against an oppressive state growing up. I didn’t know the names of our heroes, like Johnson, Milk, Rivera. The rights we have today, and the rights we still fight for, are built on a platform of the revolutionary work so many did before us, and that people bled and died for.”

Because my gay sons need to know that they aren’t but the first to struggle, won’t be the last and need to support those that need their help. In our family love is love. Not all families feel the same. Knowing the history of those that have come before them helps them to know they aren’t alone and that it truly does get better”

“Without the knowledge of History, the same events could continue to be repeated. Know your history, fight for change, and make the future a better place to move towards.”

“We, as a community, must understand and celebrate our heritage. In doing so, we need to recognize those who came before — those who fought the good fight. Without history, we are not a community. We are not a tribe. We just are.”

“Because there are so many contributions to our society that the LGBTQ+ community is responsible for. Because they deserve respect and recognition. Because the world is a greater place due to their acceptance. Because I have friends in the community who inspire me.”

“Because it offers an incredible opportunity to motivate both old and young LGBTQ folks to record their history…tell their stories, and contribute to a record of our fight for equal rights. To live your entire life in lies told to those you love most (your family) is perhaps the saddest part of being gay. By telling your story you help move us closer to a day when labels like gay or straight are no longer needed and everyone is accepted for who they are.”

“Because gay kids don’t grow up hearing about the LGBTQ heroes growing up; they need to understand the what rights others fought-tooth and nail- for. People who literally died so they can hold hands in public. So they understand that there are people who want us to go back to getting curb stomped for it. So that they know that there are still people who are scared and afraid because there are people who are still killing us.”

“To remind me how far we’ve come so I don’t get discouraged. We may not get to the pinnacle in my lifetime but I hope the fight I put up will get the next generation there.”

“Because we can never, ever forget those who have battled for us and before us, we cannot ignore the importance of all our community has gone through and survived and most importantly we cannot allow the generations to come to be unaware of their history and how the progress that has enabled them to be who they are happened, is happening and must continue to.”

“Because it highlights the struggles our for bears had to go through to get the ball rolling. To educate the younger lgbt people of important people in the movement, and to highlight that we still have further to go before we’re truly equal in the eyes of society.”

These are just a few of the reasons what LGBTQ History Month is important to you, click below to read more:

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Posted by LGBTQ Nation on Tuesday, October 3, 2017

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