Host Stephen Colbert remained expertly calm while jabbing at guest and presidential hopeful Ted Cruz on last night’s Late Show, demonstrating how the politician’s anti-gay rhetoric and broad generalizations fall apart completely after a few seemingly respectful prods.
After Cruz compared himself to Reagan — the shining star atop the Republican party — Colbert didn’t let it rest. Reagan raised taxes and believed in an amnesty program for undocumented workers, Colbert reminded him.
Cruz tried to deflect Colbert’s comments, attempting to shift the focus to some new buzz phrases: helping Americans to live within their means, and following the Constitution in legislation.
“And no gay marriage,” Colbert added to the list.
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As Cruz launched into the “states should decide” defense, studio audience members began to boo and hiss.
“Guys, however you feel, he’s my guest, so please don’t boo him,” Colbert said.
Watch below (the gay marriage bit starts around the 3:00 mark:
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