News (USA)

Minnesota GOP priority: Anti-gay marriage amendment over state budget

Minnesota GOP priority: Anti-gay marriage amendment over state budget

As reported late Saturday night, the Minnesota House voted 70-62 to place a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage on the 2012 ballot.

The following video is a local CBS News affiliate in the twin cities covering that event Sunday. What is most telling though is the exchange between the reporter and the news anchor back in the studio following the same-sex marriage vote regarding the Minnesota House’s lack of passing a state budget which, unless the Governor steps in and calls for a special session of the legislature, means that Minnesota faces a state government shut down on July first.

It seems to me that the GOP nationally on local, state, and federal levels are rapidly proving that they are inept in matters of governing outside of passage of laws designed to target against any person that falls outside of their definition of a proper American citizen.

That is to say, white, fairly wealthy, Christian in particular evangelical christian, and of course supports a “limited” government that has the ability to restrict any type of equality or civil rights that falls outside of the parameters of their thinking.

Notice that impeding or destroying LGBTQ equality rights, restricting women’s health & reproductive rights, oh and impeding civil rights seems to be the mantra of the GOP since they were elected in a majority last year.

Forgive me, but I thought that jobs and the economy were the top priories here in the American political landscape which is what they allegedly ran for office on as a platform. Apparently not.

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Bad news this week: anti-gay bill passes in Minnesota, slow progress in New York

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