Pa. school board votes to deny formation of gay-straight alliance
CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. — Despite hearing testimony that LGBT youth were three times more likely to take their own lives as opposed to their straight peers, Chambersburg Pennsylvania School Board Member on Wednesday voted against allowing a gay-straight alliance to be established at a local high school.
UK Cardinal resigns amid allegations of homosexual advances to younger clergy
EDINBURGH, Scotland — Cardinal Keith O’Brien, Britain’s most senior Roman Catholic cleric, has resigned amid allegations that he made homosexual advances to younger clergy in his diocese.
Jon Huntsman: Republicans should embrace marriage equality
ARLINGTON, Va. — Jon Huntsman, a former GOP presidential contender and Utah governor, on Thursday urged the Republican party to embrace marriage equality for gays and lesbians, and warned that failure to do so will continue to result in the electorate becoming further disenchanted with the party.
SPLC demands Mo. school ends policy banning same-sex couples from prom
A school district in southeast Missouri is facing a threat of legal action over a policy that prohibits same-sex couples from attending prom together. The Southern Poverty Law Center on Thursday accused the Scott County Central School District in Sikeston, Mo., of discrimination and gave the district until Feb. 25 to revise the school dance policy or face a potential lawsuit.
Boehner: House may consider Senate version of Violence Against Women Act
WASHINGTON — U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday that the GOP’s House leadership is considering a plan for moving forward with the Violence Against Women Act legislation.
DC Comics provokes protest over hiring of anti-gay activist, writer
NEW YORK — DC Comics has come under fire from LGBT fans and advocates for hiring anti-gay activist and novelist Orson Scott Card to write for their new digital “Adventures of Superman.”
LGBT group claims discrimination after owner cancels reservation
FORT SMITH, Ark. — Organizers with the River Valley Equality Center, an LGBT advocacy group in Fort Smith, Ark., said their planned fundraising event at a local restaurant was cancelled after a local newspaper article publicized the event and called attention to the group’s mission.
Tyler Clementi anti-harassment act re-introduced in Congress
During a dedication ceremony Monday of the Tyler Clementi Center at Rutgers University in New Jersey, U.S. Rep. Rush Holt, (D-N.J.) announced that he U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) have reintroduced legislation in Congress that would require colleges to implement anti-harassment policies.
Openly gay and bisexual men are happier than straight men, says study
MONTREAL, Quebec — Openly gay and bisexual men are happier than straight men, according to a new University of Montreal study published in the Jan. 29, 2013 issue of Psychosomatic Medicine magazine.
Alabama high school teacher slurs gays, First Lady in classroom rant
ROGERSVILLE, Ala. — An Alabama high school teacher and football coach has been secretly recorded in a classroom setting launching verbal tirades directed at First Lady Michelle Obama and LGBT people.