Anti-LGBTQ+ activist posted this very creepy picture to intimidate his critics
‘I can find you, anyone of you that stands up against me. I will find the people close to you.’
Stonewall sparked much more than the gay rights movement & you probably had no idea
From the Affordable Care Act to marriage equality, the fight for justice that sprang out of Stonewall is wide ranging and interconnected.
Record number of healthcare facilities commit to equal care for LGBT patients
WASHINGTON – U.S. hospitals and clinics are increasingly committed to equality for LGBT patients, according to a report released Thursday by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation.
HHS issues visitation policy for LGBT partners in hospice, long-term care
WASHINGTON — The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), issued an official policy guidance Monday making it clear that same-sex partners and others must be given equal visitation rights at long-term care facilities, regardless of their marital status.
Daughter of man arrested at husband’s bedside: Hospital statement is ‘absolute and utter bullshit’
LEES SUMMIT, Mo. — The daughter of a Missouri man who was arrested after refusing to leave the bedside of his spouse at a Kansas City hospital earlier this week, is speaking out, and has called the hospital’s statement of events “absolute and utter bullshit.”
Ban me from my partner’s bedside? You’d have to arrest me too!
Marriage Equality is about being able to hold the hand of the person you love when they are sick and need your love and compassion the most. It’s about making decisions that all people will eventually have to make about life and death, and who you want with you at the end of your life. Two men have all the legal papers they were told they needed. They followed the law, and still, one man is in a hospital bed while his life partner is restrained and dragged from the premises.
Missouri man arrested, handcuffed, banned from bedside of sick partner
LEE’S SUMMIT, Mo. — A Missouri man has been arrested for refusing to leave the hospital bedside of his sick partner after a family member requested that he do so.
Romney: Let states decide on hospital visitation rights for gay couples
It’s known that Mitt Romney stands against rights for LGBT people. He signed the National Organization for Marriage pledge to stand against marriage equality, appoint Supreme Court Justices who would also stand against equal rights for gays and lesbians and fight to write discrimination against us into the U.S. Constitution…
HRC Report: 2012 sees progress toward LGBT healthcare equality
The number of American hospitals striving to treat LGBT patients equally and respectfully is on the rise, according to a report released Tuesday by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation at a press conference with U.S. Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at Howard University Hospital in Washington, D.C.
Gay, HIV patient denied medication, visitors ‘for going against God’s will’
ELIZABETH, N.J. — A gay HIV-positive man says in court that a hospital denied him treatment and visitors, as the doctor remarked, “This is what he gets for going against God’s will.”