
Laugh out loud with these 10 hilarious moments from Pete & Chasten Buttigieg

Laugh out loud with these 10 hilarious moments from Pete & Chasten Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg and Chasten Buttigieg in 2 Photo: Courtney Pedroza / The Tennessean , Nashville Tennessean via Imagn Content Services, LLC via IMAGN

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and his husband, teacher and activist Chasten Buttigieg, don’t seem like the sort of couple who would regularly have their followers in stitches. But from their surprising physical comedy prowess to Pete’s quick wit on stage, this dynamic duo never fails to keep us entertained.

Whether Pete is turning a heckler’s outburst into a moment of humor or Chasten is capturing the absurdities of life with his wry social media posts, their comedic talent shines through. And let’s not forget Pete’s backup career in late-night TV, showing that even the world of politics can be filled with laughter.

Here are 10 times the couple made us laugh out loud:

1. When they leaned into a double entendre.

Pete and Chasten Buttigieg at a Victory Fund campaign event in 2019
Screenshot Pete and Chasten Buttigieg at a Victory Fund campaign event in 2019 | Screenshot

During a 2019 campaign event at the Victory Fund, Pete and Chasten Buttigieg provided an unexpected moment of levity that showcased their comedic timing and charm. As the evening drew to a close, Chasten announced to the audience, “We’re going to end this evening with all these folks the way [Pete] and I end our day.”

The room broke out in scattered giggles as attendees picked up on the cheeky double entendre. But the real comedic highlight came when Pete, ever the master of subtle humor, turned to the crowd with a knowing gesture. Chasten responded perfectly by walking off the stage.

Lots of couples end their evening with one of them heading to bed first — who knew the couple had such comedy chops?

2. When Pete hosted late-night like a seasoned pro.

Former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg hosting Jimmy Kimmel Live
Screenshot Pete Buttigieg guest hosting Jimmy Kimmel Live | Screenshot

After dropping out of the 2020 presidential election, Pete Buttigieg took a big swing and hosted Jimmy Kimmel Live to an empty audience – they were shut out due to lockdowns.

Despite circumstances that would have challenged a seasoned comedian, Buttigieg turned in a solid performance and didn’t shy away from discussing his young age and homosexuality.

“I really thought we had a shot, but it turns out I was about 40 years too young, and 38 years too gay,” the former candidate said. “Although we didn’t win, we did achieve some pretty big milestones. I’m the first gay person ever to win a presidential primary, and the first gay man in 30 years to wear pleated pants. We all have our journey.”

3. When Pete was the ultimate straight man… for once.

Pete Buttigieg appears on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
Screenshot Pete Buttigieg appearing on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon | Screenshot

Pete Buttigieg’s impressive stint on Kimmel wasn’t the first time he won over late-night audiences. During a 2019 guest appearance on The Tonight Show, he played the straight man — pause for laughs — against host Jimmy Fallon.

In a recurring segment called “Slow Jam the News,” Pete stepped in to offer current events while Fallon interjected with silly, smooth-toned commentary.

“I’d support getting rid of the Electoral College, even if it means fighting… issues out in court,” Pete said in part of the sketch.

“Mmm mmm mmm,” Fallon responded in a bedroom voice. “Court is in session and the honorable Booty-judge is presiding. All rise if you haven’t already risen.”

4. When Chasten revelled why he has to monitor his behavior at Target.

Chasten Buttigieg
Screenshot Chasten Buttigieg | Screenshot

Chasten Buttigieg’s post about the quirks of newfound fame provided a relatable and amusing glimpse into his life.

“This new exposure can be very weird,” he confessed on X, “and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to teenagers taking pictures of me and then running away giggling when I look up and see them pointing their phones at me. This is why I can no longer smell deodorants at Target. They’re always watching.”

Chasten’s ability to laugh at himself and the oddities of his situation not only endears him to his followers but also highlights the lighter side of being in the political spotlight.

5. When Pete used humor to defuse an uncomfortable moment.

Pete Buttigieg
Shutterstock Pete Buttigieg | Shutterstock

During a 2019 campaign event, Pete Buttigieg passionately addressed the need for marriage equality. However, the atmosphere was momentarily disrupted when a protester stood up and shouted, “You betray your baptism!” before being escorted out. Pete Buttigieg is a Christian.

Buttigieg, maintaining his composure and wit, lightened the mood by quipping, “Coffee after church gets a little rowdy sometimes.”

He then thoughtfully added, “We’re so dug-in, in such passionate ways, and I respect that, too. That gentleman believes that what he is doing is in line with the will of the creator. I’d do it differently. We ought to be able to do it differently.”

6. When Chasten & Pete settled into parenthood with the gayest dad joke ever.

Pete and Chasten Buttigieg & kids
Provided Pete and Chasten Buttigieg & kids | Provided

Pete and Chasten Buttigieg appeared to be quickly settling into their new roles as dads after adopting twins.

The couple welcomed newborns Penelope Rose and Joseph August into their family 2021. Chasten took some time off from social media after the babies’ births, but he returned with a top-shelf gay dad joke.

“Has RuPaul considered a children’s album?” he asked in one of his first tweets since becoming a dad. “Because ‘You Betta Burp!’ has been stuck in my head all. darn. day.” He added the hashtag, “#DadBrain.”

Chasten was referring to RuPaul’s use of the expression “You betta work” in the 1992 hit “Supermodel.”

7. When Chasten accidentally pulled President Obama’s finger.

Chasten Buttigieg appears on The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Screenshot Chasten Buttigieg appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show | Screenshot

Chasten’s first meeting with President Obama was the sort of encounter that could keep a person up at night, but luckily he’s able to laugh about it.

He shared the unbelievably awkward story during a 2021 interview on Ellen, telling the lesbian talk show host that one of his first dates with Pete Buttigieg involved a trip to Washington, D.C. to attend then-President Barack Obama’s White House Christmas party. No pressure!

Pete encouraged a highly reluctant Chasten to say hello to the president and First Lady Michele Obama, and the exchange did not go according to plan.

“I’m reaching my arm over the guy in front of me to shake [the president’s] hand, and some jerk comes barreling in behind me,” he recounted. “He just knocks me off my balance, and I turn around… and as my arm’s extended I feel President Obama’s hand touch mine… and I recoil. I don’t know why, and then I realize mid-recoil that I am recoiling from the President of the United States.”

He continued: “So I stopped and I grabbed his pointed finger, and I just shook it so vigorously and I was like, ‘Merry Christmas Mr. President!”

8. When Pete dealt with an unexpected visitor.

Pete Buttigieg noticing a bee has landed on him
Screenshot | Screenshot

Pete Buttigieg had to deal with an unexpected distraction while campaigning for president in 2019.

The then-candidate was in Elkader, Iowa for a town hall event. While answering an audience member’s question, he noticed a bee land on his tie — and it stayed there.

“Well that’s an unexpected visitor,” he said before joking, “I guess I’m just that sweet.”

Buttigieg remained calm yet resolute in his efforts to remove the insect. When gently flicking his tie proved ineffective, he carefully took off his neckwear and handed it to someone so they could escort the bee outside.

He explained his caution, saying, “I may be the only person you know who actually knows what bee venom tastes like. I once bit into a sandwich that had a visitor like this, and since then, I’ve been rather cautious around bees.”

9. When Chasten joked about what it’s like being married to Pete.

Chasten Buttigieg (book promo image)
Chasten Buttigieg (book promo image)

Chasten’s social media presence is chock full of funny anecdotes and zingy one-liners. Several of his posts pull back the curtain on what it’s like being married to Pete, and often to hilarious effect.

The Buttigiegs’ life is anything but normal, and ever since Pete was mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Chasten has had to adapt to some bizarre situations. Then there’s married life in general, which has been rife for comedy since people first started saying “I do.”

Here are a few of Chasten’s posts on the topic:

10. And while we’re at it, all of other Chasten’s wry comments.

Chasten brings all the laughs to X, even when he’s not talking about marriage.

His quick wit, playful banter, and knack for turning everyday moments into laugh-out-loud content have made him a standout personality on the platform.

His ability to find humor in both mundane and extraordinary situations not only provides comic relief but also showcases his sharp sense of humor and infectious personality.

Here’s a sampling:

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