
Woman rages at “useless motherf**ker” Pete Buttigieg because she’s in the wrong terminal

The woman was angry at Pete Buttigieg
The woman was angry at Pete Buttigieg Photo: Screenshot

A woman has gone viral for shouting about “that motherf**ker Pete Buttigieg” while apparently having flight issues at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) when it turns out she was at the wrong terminal.

“Get me the f**k up on the next flight, motherf**kers! Or call Pete Buttigieg right now! Call that motherf**ker Pete Buttigieg right now! That useless motherf**ker!” she shouted at a WestJet desk agent as she was having an epic meltdown and referring to the out secretary of transportation, in video posted by TMZ.

“Seriously! Call Pete Buttigieg right now! The [incomprehensible] of TSA! Call that motherf**ker right now! Get me up on the next flight, get me up on the next motherf**king flight! Seriously! And pay for that s**t! Pay for that s**t!”

She then punched down on the counter.

Later, she finally starts talking more calmly and asks if this is the Delta desk.

“This is WestJet, not Delta,” someone responds. She starts laughing as someone tells her that she’s at the wrong terminal.

Ever since he was confirmed to the highest position in the Department of Transportation, Buttigieg has been blamed for pretty much every mishap related to transportation in the country, including flights being delayed, flight cancellations, baggage getting lost in Japan, train derailments, and the boat that crashed into the Baltimore bridge last month.

It’s not clear what the woman at LAX thought Buttigieg had to do with the situation.

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