
Queer woman breaks Guinness World Record for longest female beard

Erin Honeycutt is a Guinness World Record holder for the longest female beard
Erin Honeycutt is a Guinness World Record holder for the longest female beard Photo: Guinness World Record

According to Guinness World Record, Erin Honeycutt, a queer woman from Michigan, has set a new world record for the longest beard on a living female. Her facial hair is 11.8 inches long.

Diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, Honeycutt did not use any hormones or supplements to achieve the record. The condition causes hormonal imbalance.

She waxed and used hair-removal products previously to try to keep her beard under control. She said she gave up on shaving multiple times a day during the pandemic restrictions at her wife Jen’s suggestion.

“I was probably shaving at least three times a day,” she told Guinness authorities.

Honeycutt also said an eye stroke triggered by high blood pressure also spurred her to stop shaving. It took away her central vision, although it left her peripheral vision intact.

She’s no stranger to medical issues beyond the syndrome and eyesight problems but is remarkably optimistic about life. The lower half of one of her legs was amputated after she developed a bacterial infection that caused it to become septic and gangrenous.

Honeycutt reportedly told her physicians that she would “deal with it” and move on after losing her leg, because she “maintained a positive outlook on life.”

“The thing that got me through losing a leg and eyes and everything – honestly – was that I had a cruise booked,” Honeycutt said.

Still, she noted that having such a long beard has both ups and downs. It conceals her “double chin” but “gets stuck in everything.”

From hiding her condition to celebrating it, Honeycutt acknowledged that the difference was remarkable.

“I never thought that I would be able to attain or achieve a goal that would let me be in a book,” she said. “And it’s just kind of a nice thing to be recognized.”

“I feel like I’m in some sort of weird man club now,” she added. “Because, like, every man that walks past me gives me this nod.”

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