
A thread about older celebrities went viral because people didn’t know they were all trans women

Miss Major in a colorful dress
Miss Major at 2014's San Francisco Pride Photo: Wikipedia

A thread highlighting trans women in old age went viral over the weekend, with users celebrating their lives and achievements. Even more exciting, many people had no clue that the celebrities were transgender and were awed by the realization that trans people have always existed.

From actresses and models to innovators and politicians, these women laid the groundwork for the modern trans movement at a time when going stealth was more common.

“Like many trans people who predate the current era,” one user responded. “They existed. They are part of history.”

“It’s very reassuring that while not at all publicized, we do have elders who are/were alive that existed,” another added.

“Wow I never knew of any of these beautiful ladies! I know that trans people have existed for a long time (probably forever) but I never knew any names,” another chimed in.

One ally highlighted how the thread had lifted them too.

“Love this,” they said. “As a recovering addict, part of the solidarity I feel with trans people is the devastation that comes from knowing how few of you successfully make it to old age, regardless of the reason. It gives me hope to see this, and I hope that it gives some to my trans crew 2”

But even more powerfully, several users rejoiced in the hope the thread gave them.

“Thank you for showing what I have to look forward to. I am so privileged to have been born in the 1990s and transition in my 20s,” one woman responded. “I’m not sure if I would have been strong enough to do it in the 50s or 60s. We deserve to have complete lives and live to our old age.”

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