Election News

This Republican biker gang made a campaign ad so bad that everyone’s laughing

Scene from the Tudor Dixon ad
"Gram died alone" promises to be the most meme-able moment of the 2022 campaign season. Photo: Screenshot

A campaign video produced by a county’s Republican party is getting national attention for being perhaps the worst political ad of the season.

The Gratiot County, Michigan Republicans made the ad supporting Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon. In it, seven older white people are standing on a road wearing sleeveless jackets, bandanas, chains, and Jesus fish, complaining about Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D). They call each other “man” in case anyone didn’t understand that they’re supposed to be bikers.

Most of their complaints are run-of-the-mill Republican talking points this campaign cycle: that Whitmer’s government instituted measures to stop the spread of COVID that weren’t fun, how Whitmer wants to “keep killing babies,” and the fact that inflation happened (who knows how the governor of Michigan is responsible for that one).

“Three thousand restaurants closed, and she’s pro-business?” one biker dude asks incredulously.

“Yeah right!” the baddest biker chick responds.

Later in the ad, one woman brings up an order Whitmer gave early in the pandemic for nursing homes to re-admit recovering COVID-19 patients, but only if they had isolation units and enough personal protection equipment to do so safely. The measure was meant to fight hospital overcrowding but was characterized by the right as something that spread the virus among the elderly.

One of the men looks right at the camera and says: “Gram died alone.”

After they say Dixon’s name in unison – as one does when one is in a biker gang – they get ready to “roll.” One of the bikers helpfully reminds his friends to “watch out for potholes.”

Dixon shared the ad on social media and she seemed to like it.

But others mocked the ad, with one person comparing it to Utah state Sen. Linda Paulson’s (R) infamous rapping ad.

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