Pride In Pictures: Celebrating our anniversary at pride

Barb Goldstein and wife at Durham Pride Parade
Barb Goldstein and wife at Durham Pride Parade

For our third annual Pride in Pictures, LGBTQ Nation asked readers to submit a meaningful photo of themselves at Pride.

We have absolutely loved seeing your joy, your glitter, your fabulous outfits, and of course, your pride. Now, we’re spending the summer sharing some of our favorite photos and stories with all of you.

Related: Pride In Pictures: The mysterious photobomber

Name: Barb Goldstein

Location: Durham, NC

Caption: This photo was taken at a booth for wedding event planning. The Pride Parade was held on our 32nd anniversary; we were proud indeed to hold up the sign. I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since then! Next month we’ll celebrate our 40th – we’re 75 and 86 years old – and we’re still proud!

Barb Goldstein and wife at Durham Pride Parade
Barb Goldstein and wife at Durham Pride Parade

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