News (USA)

Gender-neutral emojis are about to be a thing & the internet is loving it

gender neutral emojis
Gender-neutral emojis are coming! As well as an orange heart, allowing you to make a full rainbow. Photo: Apple

Gender-neutral characters are among the new emojis coming in Apple’s latest update.

“Hundreds of new emoji, including more emotive smiley faces, gender-neutral characters, clothing options, food types, animals, mythical creatures and more, are coming to iPhone and iPad with iOS 11.1,” Apple announced on its website.

The gender-neutral emojis will come in a variety of skin colors, and in three categories of age: Children, adults, and seniors.

gender neutral kids
gender neutral adults
gender neutral seniors

An orange heart will be included, allowing you to make a full rainbow of hearts for the first time.

A cute as a button boy fairy will also be included, as will a hand making the sign language gesture for “I love you.”

The new emojis make their debut next week’s developer and public beta previews.

People are taking to Twitter to celebrate:

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