
This PR firm is using the Orlando victims to push a stupid novel

This PR firm is using the Orlando victims to push a stupid novel
Ascot Media Group is the worst PR shop in the nation today. Maybe this week. Maybe forever. The firm sent me a pitch using the victims of the Orlando massacre to try to get me to write about some guy’s shitty novel about a domestic terrorist. The book is two years old. This was my reply. You can read their entire email on page two. I left a review of the firm on their Facebook page. Maybe I should call them at (281) 333-3507 to express my outrage too. That’s the number listed on their website, after all. Sadly, they may be the first out the door with this kinda thing, but they likely won’t be the last. — Are you seriously sending me a pitch that uses the victims of a massacre as the hook? Are you seriously sending me a pitch that not only uses the victims to sell a goddamn book, but erases the fact that the victims were LGBT and Latino in favor of framing it as an ISIS attack? Are you seriously sending me a pitch that not only ignores the existence of our friends and family that died in that attack, but then worries that churches – where the attacker learned his anti-LGBT views – will be the next target and THAT should be our worry (so buy his book!)? And finally, are you sending me all of this horrifically offensive garbage to sell a novel – a work of fiction – and linking to the news station (FOX) that has given all sorts of Republican assholes a platform to claim that our marriage will “irrevocably harm” society, that transgender people will rape your child in restrooms, and that our love is equal to dogs having sex? The bodies aren’t even cold and you’re trying to use them as a prop to sell a shitty novel. Fuck you. Fuck him. And fuck Ascot Media Group. Never email me again. Bil

Dear Bil Browning:

The massacre that took the lives of 49 innocent Americans in Orlando is just one more warning that our nation needs to be better prepared against domestic terrorism. Military expert, author and historian Dr. William R. Forstchen predicted over two years ago that ISIS would make attacks against “soft targets” within the US. “Yet still our leaders seem unprepared to acknowledge our enemy and act — evidenced by the fact that the perpetrator was “on the radar” of U.S. security officials for some time and had been investigated by the FBI,” says Forstchen. One thing is evident: we can no longer ignore his warning of more bloodshed to come. “Everything they’ve said they would do, they have achieved,” says Forstchen, who believes their next targets will be schools, interstate highways and churches.

Dr. Forstchen is a notable expert who has appeared on numerous top news outlets across the nation. Author of more than fifty books, he presents a horrifying but likely scenario in his book Day of Wrath — a heart-stopping story that highlights our nation’s vulnerability and should act as a wake-up call to our government to step up efforts to keep our country safe! Please read the following press release and let me know if I may schedule an enlightening interview with Dr. Forstchen. Thank you.

Please see this interview on Fox & Friends:

Monica Foster

Ascot Media Group, Inc.

Post Office Box 2394

Friendswood, TX 77549

281.333.3507 – Main

[email protected]

(This press release may be reprinted in part or entirely)


The Massacre In Orlando Shows Just How Unprepared Our Nation Is In The Fight To Stop Domestic Terrorism

Black Mountain, NC, June 15, 2016 – Military expert, author and historian Dr. William R. Forstchen believes ISIS will soon target schools, interstate highways and churches in the U.S. “They said they’re bringing the war to us, to our children and civilians,” says Forstchen, “Sadly, it’s just beginning…”

This is the terrifying premise of his most recent book, Day of Wrath, which is again drawing significant attention.  A number of security experts and law enforcement officials observe that Day of Wrath is not just a warning, but should be viewed literally as a “training scenario,” when considering how to protect our schools from a terrorist assault similar to the massacres created by Islamic terrorists in Beslan, Russia in 2004 and Pakistan in 2014.

Although it’s a work of fiction, the actual threat is critical and highly probable. For that reason Day of Wrath went directly to ebook self-publication. “This story must reach the public immediately and should be used as a platform for debate as to how to respond and stop ISIS,” he explains. A print version is also available now.

Forstchen, author of more than fifty books, presents a horrifying but likely scenario in Day of Wrath. Forstchen’s heart-stopping novella brings home just how vulnerable our infrastructure really is. It is also a story of heroic efforts to save lives, while sounding a wake-up call to American citizens and their government.

William R. Forstchen is a New York Times bestselling author and holds a doctoral degree from Purdue University with a specialization in military history and technology.

He is a noted expert historian and public speaker and has been interviewed on FOX News, C-SPAN, and Coast to Coast on topics ranging from history to technology and cultural issues, to space technology development, to security threats. Other recent works by Forstchen include One Second After and One Year After, both NYT best sellers examining the potential threat against our nation’s electrical infrastructure by means of an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) attack launched by Iran.

For more information, please visit:

Day of Wrath

Available online everywhere in digital and print format


ISBN: 978-1-62578-153-6



W.E.B. Griffin & William E. Butterworth IV, #1 Wall Street Journal & New York Times Bestselling Authors: “A thrilling – and terrifying – tale of what could be our next 9/11!”


Suggested Interview Questions for William Forstchen, author of Day of Wrath:

You write and talk about the need to “educate the American public” as to the threat of ISIS.  Why do you feel that way, and what qualifies you to say that?

You talk about “soft” versus “hard” targets in America; explain the difference.

Why do you believe the next target ISIS will hit will be inside the United States?

You claim an attack by ISIS will be more devastating than 9/11. Why?

Do you believe that the American education system needs to rethink how to protect children in our schools from attack?

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