
Samantha Bee: The racist roots of evangelical Christianity

Samantha Bee: The racist roots of evangelical Christianity

Samantha Bee’s show, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, is everything you wish The Daily Show still was. She may have passed on the gig to replace Jon Stewart, but she hasn’t stopped shining a light on the hypocrisy and lunacy of conservatives.

Last night’s episode tackled evangelical Christianity, it’s rise to prominence in recent American politics, and the racist roots of the modern evangelical movement. You’ll be shocked when you learn this history lesson.

“To understand how we got there, we have to go back to origins of the new religious right,” she points out. “It wasn’t abortion that birthed the religious right. It was good old white Nativism and anti-government anger when the IRS challenged evangelicals’ God given right to go to school without black people.”

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