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Antigay activists want to quash ‘Satanic’ Day of Silence

Antigay activists want to quash ‘Satanic’ Day of Silence
GLSEN’s Day of Silence — a student-led national event that brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying, and harassment in schools — is on April 15th, and right on time, antigay activists and the Religious Right are telling parents to keep their children at home and away from school. On The Day of Silence, students take a vow of silence in solidarity with closeted and bullied LGBTQ youth. As Right Wing Watch reports, a slew of antigay groups are helping to organize a “Day of Silence Walkout”: the American Family Association, Liberty Counsel, state chapters of Concerned Women for America and the Coalition of African-American Pastors, a front group for the National Organization for Marriage. Smaller groups participating in the walkout include Scott Lively’s Abiding Truth Ministries, Brian Camenker’s MassResistance, Peter LaBarbera’s Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, and Janet Porter’s Faith 2 Action. Linda Harvey’s Mission America is asking that parents “actively oppose this hijacking of the classroom for political purposes” by “calling your child out of school if your child’s school allows students and/or teachers to refuse to speak during instructional time on the Day of Silence.” Writing in WorldNetDaily, Harvey said the Day of Silence is Satanic, Marxist, and a ploy to ruin America:
The “Day of Silence” is a stunning example of the widespread indoctrination of youth culture with trashy, deviant behavior masquerading as acceptable conduct. The GLSEN-sponsored pro-homosexual event is a well-developed exercise in cultural Marxism and, I have come to believe, a tragic symbol of the rapid demise of America. And ironically, it poses as a protest of “bullying.” Satan is laughing as he messes with the minds and bodies of our dear children. This event is a blatant exercise in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual molestation as our children become apologists for sodomy and gender confusion.
Harvey suggests the best way to cope is by pretending gay, bisexual, lesbian, and transgender people simply don’t exist on this Earthly plane:
What if we declared that there are, or shouldn’t be, any such students? That no one is born this way? That these are destructive behaviors that no conference should ever, ever be detailing to our precious kids? And these are identities that no day of silence should ever honor?
On a radio broadcast yesterday, she opined that “it’s a really sad situation when impressionable kids are manipulated” by people who “promote homosexuality and gender confusion.” Speaking about homosexuality, she said “no one, especially young people, should take on this identity and behavior.” As Right Wing Watch reports, Harvey suggests events like these only persecute opponents of gay rights. Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute claims GLSEN wants to silence conservatives:
They’re exploiting legitimate, anti-bullying sentiment to achieve their ultimate goal of eradicating conservative, moral, social, and political beliefs about homosexuality, or at least silencing them,” she adds. She says parents who keep their children home on that day should tell school administrators they’re doing so because schools participating in Day of Silence are allowing classrooms with captive audiences to be politicized.”

Ex-gay activist Linda Wall — in a three-part series she dramatically called “The Day of Silence — ‘We’re Coming After Your Children'” — thinks that students are being “mentally raped by this effort:”

As someone who had been in homosexual behavior for almost ten years and was no longer a part of that sinful behavior, my heart went out to the unsuspecting children who were mentally being raped by this effort to normalize a behavior that the three major religions of the world call abominable.

Let’s look at this through Heaven’s eyes. Jesus made it very clear how He felt about harming the children when He said if one harmed one of the little ones who believed in Him, it would be better for them for a millstone to be tied around their neck and thrown in the river.

What must Jesus think about this Day of Silence occurring in the schools? What must He think about Christian parents who send their children to school on that day? What must He think about Christian school teachers who attend school on that day? Each year there is a counter event occurring on The Day of Silence called Day of Silence Walkout.

Homosexuality is one of the numerous sexual perversions spreading through society like an out of control California brush fire. It destroys everything in its path. I know this because I was a part of it until I reached the end of my “rope of homosexuality”. A day did come that I realized I was wrong, I needed forgiveness and I needed the Lord Jesus Christ.

Just a few days ago I received a call from a Massachusetts mother, weeping over her son. She explained that her son became involved in homosexuality in high school after joining the school [endorsed?] gay club (Gay Straight Alliance). When he went to college he took every ‘gender’ course they offered. He is twenty two now and his mom said, “the schools destroyed him”. She is so fearful that his life will be ended early by one of the many diseases associated with his homosexual behavior that her heart is broken.

On April 15th the schools in this country will once again be celebrating the Day of Silence. Why are schools allowing a behavior that shortens one’s life span by 20 years and opens the door to 30 health risks (CDC) to be celebrated in their schools? It is reckless and should be criminal for schools to promote such a behavior that is life threatening.

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