
Organized Religion – Oy

Organized Religion – Oy


For years now I’ve been writing about tolerance and kindness and how we just need to love one another.

I’ve tried to stay focused on the end result, which is love and justice and the freedom to simply be whoever we are and live a life of truth as we travel along our journey.

But, I have to tell you … I’m tired.

As tired as Franklin Graham is of … “the tide of moral decay that is being crammed down our throats.” That’s how tired I am of his religious balderdash that’s being crammed down my throat.

I’m tired of the Christian religion showing up in my government and my schools and anywhere else they deem it necessary to save humanity.

It irritates me that Christians believe that their religion should dictate the laws of the land that include millions of people who do not follow their religion.

I have nothing against religion – nothing at all. However, we live in a country that was built on the freedom of religion. You know, a country where we all have the choice to go to a church or synagogue or mosque or meeting hall or a building in a strip mall and worship as we choose.

We also have the choice to not go to any church and not read a Bible, or a Koran, or any book, and simply live our lives doing the best we can — trying desperately to do no harm to anyone or anything as we go along.

I’m a lesbian, and the Franklin Grahams and Jerry Farwell’s of this world have decided that my life of “moral decay” is not worthy of their sort of inclusion – unless, of course, I change my ways and do as they say.

Allegedly, Franklin’s mother instilled in him that he follow the teachings of Jesus, but as far as I know, Jesus never spoke about homosexuals. So does he follow the teachings of Jesus or does he follow the Bible? And if he follows the Bible, does he believe and follow every word or does he simply pick the parts that suit his gay-bashing agenda?

It’s this sort of evangelical, religious craziness that I have grown tired of. I’m a human being – not some sex-crazed, porn-watching, marriage bashing, end of the human race, lesbian.

My life with Susan has absolutely nothing to do with the high divorce rate in the United States. We had nothing to do with it. Really.

My life with Susan has nothing to do earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, floods, tornadoes – and my favorite – September 11. (Jerry Falwell pointed his finger and his Bible in my face and said the gays and lesbians “helped this happen.”)

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I understand that people need religion. I understand the need to feel inclusion and acceptance and a purpose to this life that at times feels out-of-control.

What I don’t understand is when a religion turns into bashing.

You don’t need a religion to love one another. You don’t need a religion to be kind and thoughtful and polite and gentle.

But, if you have a religion and it doesn’t include any of the above, then what is the purpose of said religion?

Religion or no religion – go out into the world and be kind. That’s it… Just. Be. Kind.

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