
Openly gay Scottish MEP: Gay marriage supporters are ‘equality Nazis’

Openly gay Scottish MEP: Gay marriage supporters are ‘equality Nazis’
David Coburn
David Coburn

David Coburn, Scotland’s UKIP (UK Independent Party) Member of the European Parliament (MEP), who describes himself as “spectacularly homosexual” and a “great big screaming poof,” said Thursday that marriage equality supporters are “equality Nazis” who are “rubbing people’s noses in the dirt.”

In an interview with Huffington Post UK, Coburn said LGBT rights advocates successful campaign for marriage equality in Scotland only matters to “some queen who wants to dress up in a bridal frock and dance up the aisle to the Village People.”

Coburn, who is openly gay, said that same-sex marriage, which comes into effect in Scotland on Dec. 31, was “false bollocks” that “makes a mockery of the holy sacrament of marriage.”

“What you’re doing with the gay marriage issue is you’re rubbing people’s noses in the dirt. Everyone had agreed and been quite happy with the idea of civil partnership, it was all bedded in and people were happy with it, they got used to the idea,” he said.

Coburn, who has been in a same-sex relationship for more than 30 years, said the efforts of the “militant equality lobby” to pass marriage equality into law sparked more homophobia.

Coburn accused gay rights activists of wanting to “airbrush history,” adding: “They want history changed. They don’t want history to be as it is. They think we’re all liberal minded, as if Oscar Wilde didn’t go to jail, he went on a holiday! This is getting towards Comrade Stalin.”

Coburn said that not all gay people are “raving communists” and “quite a lot” are opposed to gay marriage. “Now it’s happened, it’s happened – not much we can do about it,” he added. “Is it wise to go around upsetting people?”

He accused the BBC of going “a bit far” in its efforts to represent gay people on television. “There’s not a single program on telly that doesn’t have someone doing something homosexual to someone else,” he said. “It becomes a joke. All the gays are laughing about it.”

Coburn, who described himself in the interview as “spectacularly homosexual” and a “great big screaming poof,” acknowledged that LGBT rights groups such as Stonewall UK were likely to “explode with outrage” in response to his remarks, but said “they explode about everything.”

“They are professional bombs that are primed to go off. They are people looking for something to be upset about,” he said.

Tim Hopkins, Director of Scotland’s Equality Network, told KaleidoScot that Coburn’s comments were “beneath contempt.”

“People who compare those they disagree with to Nazis are usually demonstrating the intellectual bankruptcy of their position,” said Hopkins. “David Coburn’s truly nasty comments about couples who are currently preparing and looking forward to their same-sex marriages are beneath contempt.”

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