
Active duty Marine officer proposes to partner at White House reception

Active duty Marine officer proposes to partner at White House reception

WASHINGTON — An active duty U.S. Marine Corps officer proposed to his same-sex partner during the annual Holidays Open House at the White House this weekend.

Capt. Matthew Phelps, on bended knee, proposed to his partner Ben Schock just outside the entrance to the blue Room Saturday evening. The historic proposal is believed to be the first ever by a same-sex couple at the White House.

Capt. Matthew Phelps (left) and Ben Schock. (via Facebook)

“Such a special night surrounded by wonderful people in an amazing place, and the best is still yet to come,” Phelps wrote on his Facebook page. “Thanks for all the wonderful greetings and messages, and thanks to Barack Obama and Michelle Obama for lending us your home for the occasion!”

“Ben and I are blown away by the amazing love and support we have received,” Phelps wrote in a follow-up post. “Thank you all so much for sharing in our joy and our lives.”

Phelps also serves on the Military Advisory Council for OutServe-SLDN, an advocacy group for LGBT service members and veterans.

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