
Gay groups make religious individuals feel like ‘second class citizens’

Gay groups make religious individuals feel like ‘second class citizens’

Though I should be surprised, I have found myself expecting the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) to make outlandish and ridiculous statements. In today’s episode of “what did NOM say”, I give you the repeat of “NOM becomes a victim”.

Brian Brown

President of NOM, Brian Brown, writing in his weekly email to his followers, asserted that recent events have made known the real intolerance of pro-marriage equality groups, saying:

“The mask of tolerance has been cast aside. We are looking into the face of a movement which wants, in the name of equality, to take away your rights and the rights of millions of decent, loving, law-abiding Americans who “cling”—yes, I’m not afraid to call it that!—to God, common sense, and the best of America’s long traditions of respect for Judeo-Christian values.”

But he is confident that those who know “God’s truth about marriage” will not be stopped, and instead will not bow to the intimidation of the homosexual lobby.

“They” asserts Brown, talking about pro-marriage equality groups, “can only win if they can get us to accept and internalize the second-class status they propose for us. To accept our own marginalization, to be quiet, to stand down and keep our heads down. To live in fear, instead of acting, with courage, out of hope. They do not know us. They do not know the One whom we know.”

For NOM to complain that they or their followers are being treated as “second class citizens” is in a sad way, amusing. Because their religious privilege — and that is what it is, privilege, not freedom — is being threatened, they claim that the minority that they are oppressing is making them “second class.”

Is it “second class” for a State government to require that an organization which receives state funding treat everyone equally, or would it be second class when a husband cannot be at the bedside of his dying partner because the nurse doesn’t “like” their relationship. I think the answer to that is obvious.

To Brian Brown, they are the ones who are advocating for “Truth” and “Love.” They are the ones who claim to have truth that is “Not without the love of God and our neighbor in our hearts. Nor a Love which is afraid to speak truth for fear of being labeled a bigot or a hater by those who wield scorn and hatred as a weapon to suppress the truth and those who speak it.”

Maybe that is their version of “truth” and their version of “love,” but its a “truth” and a “love” built upon the backs of LGBT people the nation over.

Their words, their actions, and their alliances with certified hate groups such as the American Family Association and the Family Research Council, show that their “truth” is not based upon fact, but instead upon an animus and prejudice against gay and lesbian people themselves. Second class citizens? I think not!!

In other news, it seems as though divorce rates, as compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau, are higher in (shockingly) the Bible Belt states of the South, and (another shocker) those states with the lowest divorce rates are in the Northeast.

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