Is Samuel Alito the Supreme Court leaker? A new report hints that he is.
The former head of a right-wing group says he learned of the Hobby Lobby decision early after Alito had dinner with conservative friends.
Anti-LGBTQ activists say marriage equality bill will lead to child marriage in the US
They even created a “meme” to promote the anti-LGBTQ message.
LGBTQ advocates sue Ghana’s government after human rights workshop raid
Advocates hope that by winning these lawsuits, they will establish some measure of protection for the LGBTQ community.
Russia tested the West by attacking Ukrainian LGBTQ people first. Europe & America looked away.
The struggle for LGBTQ rights has been an inherent part of this war in Ukraine since its very beginning.
Republican backers ghostwrote a bill that would punish homosexuality with death in Ghana
The trail behind Ghana’s “death to gays” bill leads back to American evangelical groups that have been shoveling cash to Republican politicians while writing draconian bills for African countries.
Hate group praises out Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for helping to doom LGBTQ rights bill
Hate group leaders and anti-LGBTQ Republicans are praising the out bi senator for selling out the queer community.
A hate group leader is “determined” to find a way to end marriage equality
The leader of the National Organization for Marriage is asking for help with his “plan” to overturn marriage equality. All thanks to the conservative justices “who are openly questioning the wisdom” of the Obergefell ruling.
Hate group crows that marriage equality repeal is “clearly within sight” after Supreme Court hearing
“They don’t think we’re crazy any longer.”
New political ad uses video of Kamala Harris officiating a lesbian wedding to motivate Republicans
“All our issues are at stake,” the ad says. “Marriage. Life. Religious liberty.”
Conservative says Trump’s SCOTUS nominee means LGBTQ rights “will no longer see the light of day”
The anti-LGBTQ activist said Amy Coney Barrett needs to be confirmed to end “fake rights” “for homosexuals and the so-called transgendered.”